Canadian Cyclist


June 27/02 11:18 am - Midweek Club Races: Monday & Wednesday Night Results

Posted by Editoress on 06/27/02

La Bicicletta Midweek Criterium June 26
Courtesy Peter McCaffery

The race was to have been a 50/60 km two group format, like last week's popular event. However, with only 41 riders, a hot and oppressive evening, and a storm in the offing, it was modified to a scratch event over 50 km. The weather worsened quickly and we had to finish the race 7 laps early to avoid the lightning and gale force wind.

37 km av. speed 42.1 kph

1. Bryan Truman (MBRC) 49:39
2. Peter Morse (MidweekCC)
3. Don Zuck (Pavan/Lindeberg)
4. Ed Maset (Pavan/Lindeberg)
5. Scott Buschlen (BramptonCC)
6. Adam Baskin (OrlandoVeloCity) all s.t.
7. Mauro Martini (Pavan/Lindeberg) at 0:08
8. Rob Sule (ChainReaction)
9. Mark Polsinelli (Pavan/Lindeberg)
10. Attilla Hadju (RacerSportif (London)
11. Chris Gruber (Independent) all s.t.
12. Dave Wooley (HamiltonC.C.) 0:14
13. 508 (?) s.t.
14. Paul Hornak (Gears) 0:19
15. Redjersey (?)
16. Paul Green (ChainReaction) both s.t.
17. Tim Oliver (Independent) 0:24

Mississauga Midweek Novice Race

Novice Race June 17, 2002

1. Daniel Rafique,1:00:32* (34.9 km/h)
2. Thom Ringer (U of T Tri )
3. Mike Amaral (Brampton)
4. Gary Hirsch (Pavan)
5. Chris Chambers .
6. #439 ? Jim Edney ?
7. Bruce Telfer
8. Nick Swyszcz
9. Colin Campbell
10.Chris Phillips .
11.Ken Deering (D'Ornellas)
12.Noel Ramsey (D'Ornellas) all st

36 Starters

Novice Race June 24, 2002

1. Gary Hirsch (Pavan) 1:16:07 *(31.5 km/h)
2. Danny Kahan at 1 lap
3. Steve Hamilton (Madonna)
4. Bruce Camacho (D'Ornellas
5. Thom Ringer (U of T Tri
6. Zuzka Ecerova (Mississauga .
7. Chris Philips
8. Bruce Telfer
9. Noel Ramsey (D'Ornellas all st.

24 Starters

*scratch group time

Thanks to tina Mayberry, Peter McCafferey and Kit McCafferey for helping run the race and registrations, and to the riders and spectators that helped set up and take down the course. Thanks to the rider coaches Bruce Krip, Pierre Perrin and Martin Derlacki for giving pointers to the riders and to Aubrey Bryce for his drafting clinic on June 17. Thanks to Schwinn Canada and Pavan for the draw prizes.

NOTE: There will be NO Novice Race Monday July 1, 2002. The series will
resume the following week (July 8, 2002).

Peter Morse and Amit Ghosh


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