Canadian Cyclist


September 13/02 2:31 am - Midweek TT, Cabot Trail Challenge, Whistler Festival

Posted by Editor on 09/13/02

La Bicicletta Midweek TT
Courtesy Peter A. Hurley

September 12, 2002

This was the last event of the 2002 season. Over the season 73 riders participated in at least one of 18 events that were held. The best overall performances by category were:

Youth women: Emily Batty: 36.2 km/hr
Cadet men: Mark Batty: 39.2 km/hr
Junior men: Brenden Hurley: 41.2 km/hr
Senior women: Merrill Collins: 42.0 km/hr
Senior men: Darko Ficko: 46.5 km/hr

Notable masters performances included:

Doris Youssef: 32.5 km/hr
Tim Porter: 39.2 km/hr
Gord Clark: 41.2 km/hr

La Bicicletta (now at 1180 Castlefield Ave!) Midweek Time Trial

Rolling course approx. 15 km
Conditions: cool, gusty west wind
Date: Sept 12, 2002

RiderClub/TeamTimeSpeed (kmph)
Darko FickoCervelo19:5245.6
Nick BradleyMidweek21:2942.2
Merrill CollinsCervelo22:3740.1
Joe DoriaD'Ornellas22:5439.6
Mark BattyBay Cycle23:1938.9
Rick BattyBay Cycle24:2237.2
Holland GidneyMidweek24:2437.1
John Chilverguest25:2235.7
Davor SalahovicMidweek25:2935.6
Emily BattyBay Cycle25:3235.5
Greg Treffyguest25:5734.9
Barry Lodgeguest27:1833.2
Doris YoussefD'Ornellas28:0532.3
Mia OliverMidweek28:3331.7

Cabot Trail Challenge - Nova Scotia
Courtesy Terry Tomlin

The 3rd annual Cabot Trail Challenge saw 14 riders on the start line under clear skies and a modest wind last Saturday. This intimidating 300 km road race is a gruelling test of endurance that has riders covering three mountain passes along the undulating yet spectacular Cabot Trail. After a year of anticipation it was expected that the spunky youth of Team Cyclesmith Espoir would be ready to serve the 'ol man' of Maritime racing, Terry Tomlin, a serious 'working over'.

After a scary truck/bike incident at the 60 km mark, the race continued to roll along at a good clip until the 170 km point when the 10 rider pack was shattered on the 12% slopes of Smokie Mountain. Atlantic Canada's talented young espoir rider, Dustin MacBurnie (Cyclesmith) rolled over the top solo after a speedy climb and was joined on the descent by Terry Tomlin (Outdoor Gear Canada). Behind the two leaders, Mark Foster (Cyclesmith), Scott Bonnell (Valley Stove and Cycle) and veteran hardman Dan Smith (Cyclesmith) were working together as the race whipped through Ingonish towards Cape North. A third chase group of Eric MacIntyre (Bicycles Plus), Mark Campbell (Ironman and Eco-Challenge finisher only two weeks previous) and Dave Regan (most improved rider!) were pushing hard to catch the second group but the continuous climbs in the last 60kms made effective chasing very difficult. With 205km in his legs, MacBurnie went through a brief bonk on South Mtn. Tomlin immediately capitalized on the opportunity and rolled away from MacBurnie. Tomlin had built a 5 minute lead by the base of North Mtn - a torturous ascent made worse by headwinds, a brutal gradient and the toll that 260 kms takes on the legs. In the words of one racer "attacking hard was not an option on North, we were simply trying to stay upright." First time entrant, Scott Bonnell, made a courageous push in the last 2 hours of the race and came within a minute of second place at one point but a surging MacBurnie would hold him off to the finish in Cheticamp. Congratulations to tough-guy Lorenzo Caterini who had a serious crash at 60kms yet re-joined the race at the 160km point, complete with road rash, bandages and new wheels to finish the 300km ride. Much thanks go to Ambrose Delaney, (Chief Organizer, driver and feedbag dispenser), his tireless crew of volunteers and the various sponsors who helped with prizes and refreshments. As usual they were the best of hosts. Congratulations to both the starters and the finishers- we'll see you in Baddeck in 03 !

1. Terry Tomlin (Outdoor Gear Canada) 10:05:59
2. Dustin MacBurnie (Cyclesmith) 10:12:57
3. Scott Bonnell (Valley Stove and Cycle) 10:17:00
4. Dan Smith (Cyclesmith) 10:23:11
5. Mark Foster (Cyclesmith) st
6. Eric MacIntyre (Bicycles Plus) 10:33:41
7. Mark Campbell (The Bike People) st
8. Dave Regan (Cyclesmith) st
9. Basil Dilney ( Cape Breton) 12:00:31
10 Mark Beaver (Cyclesmith) 12:51:03
Ron Jeppeson
Greg Kerr
Jodi Isenor
Lorenzo Caterini

thanks to Ambrose Delaney for compiling these results.

Whistler Mountain Bike Festival

Pre-Registration Deadline this Saturday!

Make sure that you get your registration in by this Saturday September 14th at midnight for the best savings! We have a full slate of FUN events through out the weekend!

Come out to Whistler and finish of the season in style!

Great courses!
Great Room rates!
Great Saturday night party!
No UCI, CCA or any other points, just a fun filled weekend of activities to end a great season of racing!

First EVER BC Freeride Challenge (*new trail* for this!!)
Bike Toss - (we need a bike! Anyone have a bike that they hate?)
Remax Whistler Village Fat Tire Crit

Saturday Night
All Ages BBQ
Beer Cup - microbrewery beer tasting (mmmmmm)
Video from the Freeride event
Whistler party band "She stole my Beer"

Whistler 6 hr. Enduro - 1, 2 and 3 person teams
Adult Tricycle Slalom

Visit our website at for all of the details and we hope to see you there!


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