Canadian Cyclist


October 29/02 6:59 am - Changes at CCA, Win a Weekend

Posted by Editor on 10/29/02

Changes Coming to CCA

The Canadian Cycling Association has released a proposed new strategy for governance - the structure and way in which the Association will be run. The changes are extensive and far reaching - everything from the Board structure to the Committees and the day-to-day operations of the office and staff. Below is a brief synopsis of the proposed changes, which will be voted upon, and potentially implemented, at the 2002 AGM in Montreal, December 6-8.

Currently, the Board (13) consists of an Executive (5) and provincial Presidents. Reporting to them are the Development Committee (DC), High Performance Committee (HPC) and Commissaires Committee, with the DC and HPC headed by specific Vice-Presidents. There has long been complaints that the Board is somewhat dysfunctional, since the provincial presidents are trying to represent their provincial interests. I can certainly attest to the acrimony and suspicion that has cropped up between the Executive and the provinces over the years.

The proposed structure will see a Board of 7 members, with a President, 5 Directors at Large and one National Team Athlete Director. With the exception of the National Team Athlete Director (who is selected from among the six athlete representatives on the Athletes Council, who have been elected by national team athletes), all members of the Board are elected directly by the provincial delegates. Provincial presidents who are elected to the Board must resign their provincial position. There is also an Inter-provincial Council (IPC) that will "Provide a forum for identifying and addressing operational and policy issues of consequence to the provincial / territorial member associations of the CCA and facilitate collaboration among provincial associations in addressing common responsibilities and challenges."

Committees are modified somewhat - the HPC stays essentially the same, but Development becomes Events, and there are Athlete and Coach Development, and Officials Committees Finally, the senior staff person at the CCA (formerly the Executive Director) has expanded responsibilities and powers, and a new title - Director General.

The proposed structure makes sense, in that it separates policy (Board) and implementation (D-G, staff and committees), with the IPC straddling the line.

The complete proposal is available as a PDF (in 5 parts, since it runs to nearly 50 pages), linked below.

Assuming that the current delegates vote in favour of the proposed structure, there will have to be a number of elections at this year's AGM. There will also have to be a number of people nominated for the positions (Directors at Large and President). If some provincial presidents decide to run, then those positions will have to be filled. The governance proposal says that a Nominations Committee will solicit nominations for people who have appropriate qualifications, but there does not seem to be any way to get in touch with the committee, less then 6 weeks before elections will have to take place.

This is a real chance for the CCA to have a fresh start. We would hate to see it tainted, if there is an appearance that the procedure is not transparent and open to all.

CCA Governance Proposal

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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