Canadian Cyclist


November 15/02 9:48 am - Montreal Bike Show, Pure Determination Fund, Burnaby Thank-you, Perras Update, Birthday

Posted by Editoress on 11/15/02

Consumer Bike Show in Montreal

Montreal will have its first consumer bike show from March 7 through 9, 2003. Location will be the Palais de Congrès and the website is

Dairy Farmers of Canada Fund Benefits Canadian Athletes

The Dairy Farmers of Canada donated via the Pure Detemination Fund $10,000 each to 20 athletes described as deserving Olympic hopefuls. One of the athletes on this elite list is Clara Hughes, Canada's first-ever medalist in both summer and winter Olympics. Congratulations Clara.

Thanks from Burnaby Velodrome Club and Cycling BC

Last year, while in the depths of despair, and on very short notice, we put out a call far and wide for letters of support. Many of you came through and both BVC and Cycling BC are grateful.

The letters made, and continue to make, a difference. These letters have since been paraded around in front of city councillors, MLAs, MPs, secretaries of state, sportscasters and columnists, kings, queens, sultans and one big kahuna.

Part of the success of the track meet and open house held last week is due to your stepping up to the plate. And you deserve to be given credit! Below is the list of persons who wrote. To all of you a very large thank you!

You can keep tabs on the Burnaby Velodrome at:

Jessica Anderson
Frank Battaion
Angela Belsham
Paul Blanchette
Keith Bruneau
P. Buchanan
Mark Butschler
Bob Cameron
Rita Clarkson
Nick Corcoran
Andrew Davidson
Stephane Delisle
Glen Evans
Jim Fisher
Terry Garnett
Stephanie Hannos
Ron Hayman
Jay Heins
Andreas Hestler
Suzanne Macht
Anthony Osborne
Heather Parrot
Mike Patton
Dan Reilly
Robert Spencer
Alex Stieda
John Tolkamp
Dave Trickett
Gerry Van Gaans
Kris Westwood
Sam Wittingham

As a footnote for all you jaded cynics out there, letters do make a difference. The politicians figure that for every one person who picks up a pen or sends an email, there are 20 more folks out there who feel the same way, but can't find the time to write. If you want the government to support something, get that quill and paper out!

David Schneider
VP Road, Track & Cyclo-Cross
Cycling BC

Perras to New Team

iteamNova will merge with Team Flanders in 2003 to form Flanders-iteamNova, a Division II team. Among the list of riders from iteamNova to continue with the new team is Dominique Perras.

Happy Birthday to....Ryan Dey, celebrating tomorrow.


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