Canadian Cyclist


November 25/02 11:36 am - More on Bamboo Bikes, CC Awards Update

Posted by Editor on 11/25/02

More on Bamboo Bikes

Marc Morrison in Victoria sent us a link to the bamboo bike we reported on earlier (see Daily News, November 25/02 11:15 am EST):

Since then, Rick Steele informed us that Craig Calfee of Calfee Design (more known for his custom carbon bikes...) did a bamboo bike a while ago - Photo. You can contact Craig through his website ( if you want more info on ordering your own bamboo bike...

We will still take reports on other bamboo, balsa wood or particle board bikes (but they must be actually working bikes).

Canadian Cyclist of the Year

We received all your votes regarding Dustin Adams and the CC Awards. Leaving out all the multiple votes, the support was still over 10-1 in favour of Dustin's fans having the opportunity to recognize his breakthrough season. It was also pointed out that Andrew Randall had a breakthrough season, with stage wins in Ireland and Norway, as well as the National title.

So, we have decided that a new Canadian Cyclist of the Year Award will be instituted, starting this year - the Reader's Choice Award. This award will be decided by a write in vote. We will be adding to the CC Awards page a separate category of voting where you can fill in the name of the rider (Canadians only, please) who you feel best deserves this award. As with the other awards, the winner will receive a lead crystal CC trophy.

We are just rebuilding the program that tabulates the votes, and expect to have it up and running by tomorrow (Tuesday, November 26th) afternoon. The web address will be different (although all previous votes will remain in the database). Readers who have already voted will be able to vote in the new Reader's Choice category; those who have not voted will be able to select in all categories. We will make an announcement when it is online.


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