Canadian Cyclist


November 28/02 9:46 am - BC Athlete Program, Sad News

Posted by Editor on 11/28/02

BC Athlete Assistance Program
Courtesy Cycling BC

Cycling BC has released the 2002/2003 Athlete Assistance Program Selection Criteria. To view the revised criteria, please go to and click on the applicable text.

If you are an athlete licenced by Cycling BC, and clearly meet the criteria, please submit your application form (also available at by December 2nd.

Sad News
Courtesy Mike Badyk

It is with great sadness that we have learned that Bruno Van Hemelryck has passed away. Bruno took ill on the weekend and passed away on Tuesday November 26th. He will be sadly missed by his friends at the Woodstock Cycling Club and by all of those who knew him as a fixture at the Ontario mountain bike races. He was the sort of man that makes one want to become involved in the sport. Never an unkind word about anyone or anything, and just so happy to be out on his bike. Bruno will be missed. May he continue to ride single track for all time.

Bruno's wishes were to not have a funeral. There is a memorial service planned for the near future. Details will be posted when available. In the meantime go for a ride and think of Bruno and smile for having known him.


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