Canadian Cyclist


December 9/02 10:20 am - Amoroso Team 2003, US 'Cross, Birthday

Posted by Editor on 12/9/02

Amoroso's Women's Cycling Team 2003

America Velo Sports is proud to announce Victory Brewing as the new title sponsor for 2003. After a 2002 season that proved to be a good start for a young team and organization, Victory Brewing and Amoroso's Baking Company have come to a mutual agreement to work together and take the women's team up to the next level and so "Victory Brewing/Amoroso's Cycling Team" is born.

The decision for Victory Brewing to step up as a title sponsor was the obvious choice for Victory, whose market strategy fit perfectly with the team's regional and national racing schedule. Victory Brewing saw a good amount of success with the team in 2002 by promoting "tastings" at various prominent venues.

The 2003 roster is:

Leah Goldstein (Canada)
Sandy Espeseth (Canada)
Nicole Demars (Canada)
Gina Grain (Canada)
Sophie St-Jacques (Canada)
Ann Turrin (Canada)
Kirsten Robbins (Canada)

Lauren Franges (US)
Graciela Martinez (Argentina)
Veronica Martinez (Argentina)

Team director Mike Tamayo shares his view on the team. "Our 2003 line up is very impressive. I must say, that I am very excited to be looking at next year with a team of women as motivated and prepared as these ladies. Each and every rider brings a very important component to the team. "

Sandy and Nicole bring leadership and direction to the team. Sandy has a flurry of results and race experiences including a Canadian National Title, Pan American Title, and 4th place Liberty World Cup. Nicole, being no slouch stood on the podium at Sea Otter, Hewlett Packard, Wendy's, and Tour of Okinawa.

After an incredible season Leah comes to us as the GC rider. In 2002 alone she placed 2nd at Canadian Time Trial National Championships, 9th at Hewlett Packard, 2nd place Queen of the Mountain at Tour de Toona/International, and 13th at Tour de l'Aude.

Sealing the deal at the end of races; Gina and Lauren pack a mean punch for the finishes. Gina has proven herself by sprinting to a 2nd place at Tour of Okinawa, and 2 podium finishes at Tour de Toona/International. After winning the U23 Liberty title 2 consecutive years in a row, Superweek, and several US National Titles, Lauren has proven herself as one of the up and comers.

Meanwhile Ann, Kirsten, and Sophie fill one of the most important roles in a cycling team, "Domestiques". Sophie comes from team Trek Plus, with an incredible season as a right hand to Laura Van Gilder. While both Ann and Kirsten played crucial roles in the teams success for 2002.

Returning for 2003, Graciela and Veronica sum it all up for us in criteriums. Graciela showed her criterium riding skills by placing 9th at Wendy's International and constantly being part of the decisive moves. Veronica comes back to the US after winning yet another National Title on the Track.

A nice amenity to the roster is the potential for growth. With young riders like Lauren, Kirsten, Sophie, Veronica and Gina, the team can look ahead to a promising future. This makes for a good mix of experienced riders and riders who have not yet reached their full potential.

Victory Brewing/Amoroso's plans on contesting both the National Racing Calendar and the Pro Cycling Tour. The overall goal is to pursue dominance in North America. We also included in the schedule the Montreal World Cup and GP Quebec Femenin. The team has tried to select events that will help prepare for Road World Championships. "With the World's in Canada for 2003 it only makes sense that we focus our energy on it. It is hard and very costly to travel back and forth to Europe so expect to see us at all the top North American events," explains Mike Tamayo.

Redline 'Cross Series Final - Napa, California


1 Todd Wells 59:53
2 Ben Jacques-Maynes (Spokesman/Bullion St) at 0:05
3 Steve Tilford s.t.
4 Jonny Sundt (K2) 0:12
5 Dale Knapp s.t.

13 Travis Brown (Trek/Volkswagen) 1:16
16 Thomas Frischknecht (SwissPower) 1:52

1 Carmen D'alusio (ClifBar) 37:06
2 Gina Hall (Clif Bar) at 0:11
3 Rachel Lloyd 0:12
4 Nadine Bruhn (Stevens Jeantex/Denm) 0:21
5 Lyne Bessette ( 0:46

Lyne Bessette cinquième en Californie

Montréal, le 8 décembre 2002 (Sportcom) - La cycliste Lyne Bessette a souffert de son manque d'entraînement lors de la présentation de la troisième étape de la Redline Cup of Cross, une épreuve de cyclo-cross présentée à Napa, en Californie.

Bessette a pris le cinquième rang, tandis que l'Américaine Carmen D'Alusio a enlevé les honneurs. Deux autres Américaines ont monté sur le podium soit Gina Hall (2e) et Rachel Lloyd (3e).

" J'ai connu un bon départ ", a tout d'abord mentionné Bessette qui porte les couleurs de la formation " Mais c'était un parcours plat, comptant de nombreux virages serrés dans le gravier et à chacun d'eux, il fallait arrêter notre course et repartir à nouveau. C'est l'effort qu'il fallait donner chaque fois pour repartir qui m'a tuée ", a admis l'athlète qui revient au Québec pour se remettre vraiment à l'entraînement après trois semaines de vacances.

" Je vais faire de l'entraînement plus spécifique au cyclo-cross avant d'aller en camp d'entraînement en Californie, en janvier. "

Bessette se prépare pour les championnats du monde qui auront lieu les 2 et 3 février prochain, à Zolder, en Belgique.

Happy Birthday To...

Ryder Hesjedal, today.


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