Canadian Cyclist


January 3/03 5:05 am - Trek-VW 2003, Icebike 5, C-KAP Award

Posted by Editor on 01/3/03

Trek-Volkswagen Racing Team 2003
Courtesy Steve Engh

Trek/Volkswagen Racing Team 2003 is proud to announce the team roster for the up coming race season.

Category 1 Riders
Chris Barth
Ian Condron
Sean Dawson
Daniel Goncalves
Brian Green
Greg Harris
Mike Koski
James Neil
Sara Neil
Marnie Prazsky
Jay Murray

Category 2, 3 and 4 Riders
Steve Engh
Geoff Rice
Fred Herrmann
Bill Yearwood
Chris White

Please check our website for more information on the team and the Trek/Volkswagen Harris-Roubaix Classic. This year it is being held April 13th and is the first BC Cup event.

Note: All teams should send in their 2003 roster announcements to

Icebike 5 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Courtesy the organizer

On February 02, 2003 at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada the fifth annual Icebike Event will take place. This mountain bike race is held on the Red River and its surrounding area, namely the Forks Marketplace and The Forks National Historic Site-Parks Canada.

Woodcock Cycleworks is the bicycle shop that has been the main sponsor since Icebike‚s inception. The event has grown from 40 competitors in 1998 to 175 competitors in 2002 with riders from as far away as Duluth Minnesota. With three distances and male/female categories there is a category to please every cyclist. This will also be the second year for the pre-race pasta night provided by the Old Spaghetti Factory to be held at the Manitoba Children‚s Museum on the evening prior to race day. The event is supported by the Festival du Voyageur Rivertrail crew who are pivotal in providing us with a course to compete on. With the cooperation of The Forks and Parks Canada we can provide spectators with an entertaining spectacle they can comfortably observe. The Icebike event is billed as a fun event in which riders of all abilities can participate in and have a good time. The 3 distance categories are 3km-snowflake, 10km-icicle, 20km-abominable with male and female categories in each. Registration is at 10a.m. and the race starts at 12:00 noon on the river surface.

For the 2003 event we have associated ourselves with Winnipeg Harvest which is a foodbank that has been pivotal in ensuring many Winnipeggers do not go to bed hungry and we consider it a privilege to share the generosity of our sponsors and participants.

For information, visit the website:

C-KAP Offers New Award
Courtesy CycleCanada

January 1, 2003 ( Ottawa and Toronto) - Tour du Canada and the Canadian Kilometer Achiever Program ( C-KAP ) are pleased to announce a new award for cyclists who explore Canada by bike. Both organizations recognize that Canada offers the best cycling conditions in the world and these national organizations wish to encourage cyclists to explore Canada's many regions.

The new award has been donated to C-KAP by Tour du Canada, a national network of cyclists whose mandate includes the promotion of interprovincal cycling. This award will be presented annually to a C-KAP member who travels in the greatest number of provinces and the greatest distance in Canada each year. All cyclists, including hand-cyclists can join C-KAP. The Canadian Kilometer Achiever Program ( C-KAP ) is a national fitness incentive program that dates back to 1976 and the Montreal Olympics. The goal of the program is to encourage participants to improve their health and lifestyle through cycling.

Visit C-KAP to learn more about their programs:


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