Canadian Cyclist


January 28/03 7:33 am - Women's Challenge Canceled, Birthday's

Posted by Editoress on 01/28/03

Women's Challenge Canceled

In June there would have been 20th anniversary celebration, instead the worlds largest women's only stage race announced yesterday that the race will not run in 2003 and they are closing their offices.

HP (Hewlett-Packard) announced that it would not be continuing their sponsorship of the race after the 2002 edition, which left the organizers looking for close to a half million (US$) from a prospective title sponsor. In ConAgra Foods of Nebraska they thought they had found one, negotiations were going well. Then just last week, ConAgra said they could not do it.

Read the story at the Idaho Statesman

Happy Birthday to......... Sue Palmer , who celebrated a birthday yesterday and Eric Tourville celebrating today.


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