Canadian Cyclist


May 6/03 11:08 am - "Accept the Challenge" XC Mountain Bike Race

Posted by Editoress on 05/6/03

"Accept the Challenge" XC Mountain Bike Race
Courtesy Brian Licis, Race Organizer

The Hardcore Racing Club will host the "Accept the Challenge" XC mountain bike race on Sunday, May 25, 2003. The race is open to licensed and unlicensed riders, as day licenses will be available for purchase on race day at the race site.

"Accept the Challenge" will be a selection race for the Alberta Provincial Mountain Bike Team, in addition to being the single selection race for the Alberta Western Canada Summer Games Team.

Teams and racers are reminded to bring all of your own food and water to meet your own needs, as none will be available at the race site.

For all race and registration information, visit the Hardcore Bikes website at and click on the "Races" link, or visit the Hardcore Bikes shop at 10008-82 Ave in Edmonton, (780) 439-4599.

Proceeds shared in support of the Leanne Palylyk Children's Foundation.

If you have any questions, contact Brian Licis at (780) 466-2781 or at


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