Canadian Cyclist


June 3/03 6:39 am - Western Canada Games Standings

Posted by Editoress on 06/3/03

Western Canada Games Standings

Courtesy Jeff Tvergyak - Western Canada Games Coach

Competition to represent the BC Team at the upcoming Western Canada Games in Manitoba has been fast and furious. With 3 qualifying events complete there are only a couple of spots that look to be secured for the team.

This past weekends road race saw a stellar ride by 15 year Naomi Cooper, followed by some terrific rides by Shaun Crump and Matt Lea in the mens cat 3 race. The next event will be this weekends Bear Mtn. Challenge.

NameWarp SpeedActionQuestAtomic RRBear MtnTotal Pts.
Jessica Anderson(4th) 6ptsdns(4th) 6pts012pts
Naomi Cooper(2nd) 8ptsdns(1st) 10pts018pts
Heather Parrott(3rd) 7ptsdnf dns07pts
Emily Sandwith(1st) 10pts(2nd) 8pts(3rd) 7pts025pts
Lisa Tasa(5th) 5pts(4th) 6pts(5th) 5 pts016pts
Alison Testroetedns(1st) 10pts(2nd) 8pts018pts
Kristina Vaudry(6th) 4 pts(3rd) 7pts(6th) 4pts017pts

NameWarp SpeedActionQuestAtomic RRBear MtnTest of MetalTotal Pts.
Trevor Bant(6th) 4pts(5th) 5ptsdnf009 pts
Mike Burns(4th) 6pts(7th) 3pts(4th) 6pts0015 pts
Jeff Castenmiller(5th) 5pts( 9th) 1ptsdns006 pts
James Crowedns(3rd) 7 ptsdns007pts
Scott Crump(1st) 10pts(2nd) 8ptsdns0018pts
Shaun Crumpdnsdns(1st) 10 pts0010pts
Norrie Henderson dns(8th) 2ptsdns002pts
Matt Leadnsdns(2nd) 8pts008pts
Trevor Mahon dns(1st) 10pts(3rd) 7pts0017pts
Kyle Todoruk(3rd) 7pts(4th) 6pts(6th) 4pts0017pts
Neil Truncik(2nd) 8pts(6th) 4pts(5th) 5pts0017pts


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