Canadian Cyclist


June 9/03 9:44 am - Canada Cup XC#3: All Other Categories

Posted by Editoress on 06/9/03

Canada Cup XC#3 Mont Tremblant, QC
Courtesy FQSC

Junior Sport Men
1. Jeremy P. Drouin (Velogamik)1:14:01.68
2. Brandon Matheson (Independant)at 2:35.70
3. Antoine Savard (Independant)3:02.11
4. Luke Darlington (Independant)4:10.75
5. Liam Atkinson5:54.64
6. Marc Picard (Normandin/CBSF)8:49.19
7. David Wilk14:40.95
8. Dominic Lemay (Devinci)19:21.24
9. Pierre- Luc Tanguay (VeloClub St-Hyacinthe)19:37.13
10. Alexander Fulton (Independant)22:27.47
DNF. Guillaume Berwald (CVM Val-David)
Junior Sport Women
1. Melanie Roberge (Independant)1:28:07.46
2. Karine Simard (Velogamik)at 1:40.62
3. Melanie Pothier3:34.07
4. Isabelle Maheux (Le Yeti)7:09.73
5. Catherine Jonckeau8:47.5
6. Marie- Helene Dufour13:13.55
7. Magali Tremblay - Aube (Le SuroitCycle&Ski)15:30.40
8. Elise Robidoux- Tetreault (Sportif Bromont)19:09.71
9. Valerie Boucher (Sportif Bromont)39:34.06
10. Anne- Marie Sabbagh1:02:21.25
DNF. Stephanie Carreau
DNF. Annie Moreau (Independant)
DNF. Emilie Audet (Independant)
Sport Men
1. Christian Gauvin (Les Yables)1:40:57.01
2. Eric Morneau (Les Yables)at 1:57.26
3. Guillaume Nadeau (Les Yables)2:50.81
4. Patrice Boucher (Equipe Iris)5:03.76
5. Eric Lehoux (Demers sports)6:54.45
6. Julien Boucher (Equipe Iris)8:43.08
7. Jonathan Pageau (CVM Le Relais/Lac Beauport)9:29.96
8. Alexandre Marcotte (Normandin/CBSF)9:30.82
9. Edward Forest (Equipe Iris)10:10.14
10. Simon Arsenault (Equipe Iris)10:15.20
11. Julien Veilleux (Nestea/Perigny)10:26.96
12. Frederic Beaudin (Equipe 3DS)12:49.94
13. Youri Brochu (Le Yeti)13:39.70
14. Sylvain Messier (Sportif Bromont)14:31.26
15. David Girard (Independant)15:39.13
16. Michel Henri (Independant)16:35.91
17. Martin Carette (Normandin/C.bicycleSte-Foy)18:10.18
18. Martin Letourneau (Normandin/CBSF)21:33.85
19. Sebastien Cote (CVM Des Bois-Francs)21:56.85
20. Patrick Langlois (Independant)22:10.44
21. Olivier Bordeleau (Le Yeti)23:21.49
22. David Durette (Montreal MTB Club)23:39.16
23. Luc Jalbert (Beauport)25:11.73
24. Ian Bacchet (Lic. permanente requise(2003))26:18.80
25. Pascal Dumaresq (Normandin/C.bicycleSte-Foy)27:25.37
26. Stephane Carignan (Oryx)27:56.28
27. Maxime Roy- Bedard (Team XCLUZIV)31:33.36
28. Eric Gauthier Saucier35:33.42
29. Martin Tessier (Independant)35:37.59
30. Jean- Nicolas Harvey (Radio-Can/PubSt-Bernard)40:00.56
31. Martin Simard (Cycles Lambert)42:57.92
32. Didier Moisan (Independant)43:39.55
33. Nicolas Dion (Cycles Lambert)43:45.51
34. Francois Lambert (Independant)55:47.71
35. Guillaume Comptois55:56.87
DNF. Julien Beaudry (Independant)
DNF. Patrick Beaulieu
DNF. Maxime Caron (ABC Cycles Sports)
DNF. Marc Charlebois
DNF. Francois Larose
DNF. Marc- Olivier Paquin (Independant)
DNF. Alexandre Veillette (Laferte)
DNF. Mathieu Houle (Independant)
DNF. Eric Saumure (Les Coeurs Vaillants)
DNF. Jean-Francois Rapatel (Marco Polo CC)
DNF. Vincent Lemay (Independant)
DNF. Hubert Soucy (Independant)
Expert /Sport Women
1. Caroline Villeneuve (CVM Le Relais/Lac Beauport)1:21:41.89
2. Sophie Fortin (La Cordee PleinAir)at 0:49.53
3. Julie Ruest2:41.05
4. Marie Allaire (RDI-Pub Le St-Bernard)4:36.28
5. Sophie Garant6:17.93
6. Edith Laflamme (Normandin/C.bicycleSte-Foy)6:56.41
7. Annie Leduc (Spinomax)21:42.64
DNF. Caroline Lavoie (Radio-Can/PubSt-Bernard)
Senior Expert Men
1. Francois- Michel Deschamps (Les Yables)2:08:31.76
2. Alexandre Frappier (RDI-Le St-Bernard)at 2:36.84
3. Maxime Rochefort- Laframboise (Independant)6:51.08
4. David Jarry - Bolduc (PierreDemers SDSport)7:11.54
5. Thierry Laliberte (Sportif Bromont Sportif Bromont)8:54.68
6. Jean-Sebastien Lareau (Sportif Bromont)9:10.35
7. Eric Therrien (Durand Sports)9:50.34
8. Robert Parniak10:28.20
9. Sebastien Tremblay (Independant)10:31.50
10. Patrick Guenette (Equipe Iris)10:54.38
11. Florent Robert (Beauport)11:49.19
12. Tristan Galbraith (The Bike Shop)13:10.54
13. Alexey Ivanov13:50.16
14. Jason Rody (Jolly's Alternative)16:29.11
15. Francis Groleau (Team XCLUZIV)17:30.01
16. Matthew Fawcett20:59.94
17. Matthew Paziuk22:17.61
18. Guillaume Julien (Accro Velo Val D'Or)24:22.06
19. Luca Serli24:28.57
20. Ryan May24:57.42
21. Justin Holmes26:59.67
22. Simon Talbot (Independant)28:47.43
23. Eric Gagnon (Subway)29:51.59
24. Jason Tessier (Le Yeti)30:27.94
25. Mathieu Dery (Normandin/C.bicycleSte-Foy)34:27.44
26. Eric Turgeon (Mont-Velo)37:35.12
27. Remi Berube (Independant)1:05:34.92
DNF. Jean- Philippe Beaudet (Durand Sports)
DNF. Simon Boily (Durand Sports)
DNF. David Gagnon (Sportif Bromont)
DNF. Andrew Hurst (Hardwood Hills)
DNF. Thomas Huller
DNF. Nicholas Vipond (Bay Cycle - 3 Rox Racing)
DNF. Arthur Kuczynski
DNF. Patrice Dorion (Independant)
DNF. Ian Hughes (Centre National de cyclisme de Bromont)
DNF. M. Morel (Independant)
DNF. Jean-Francois Paquette (Independant)
Under 17 Expert Men
1. Gabriel Jarry - Bolduc (PierreDemers SDSport)1:34:26.00
2. Georges - Edouard Duquette (Sportif Bromont Sportif Bromont)at 1:20.80
3. Alexandre Fortier (CCVR Volkswagen/Trek)2:25.45
4. David Veilleux (Normandin/CBSF)5:34.34
5. Paul Veillette (Normandin/C.bicycleSte-Foy)7:05.25
6. Ian Mc Avity7:45.65
7. Jean- Francois Chabot (Durand Sports)7:53.73
8. Patrick Bilodeau (Sportif Bromont)9:38.78
9. Andrew Wilson9:47.87
10. Mat Bell (Hardwood Hills)9:54.94
11. Mario Parker (Sportif Bromont)9:57.97
12. Philippe Boisvert (Cycle Outaouais)10:06.06
13. Leni Gelinas- Trudel (Le Yeti)11:01.61
14. Brendan Reeves (Independant)11:48.08
15. Andrew Laviolette (Hardwood Hills)11:50.10
16. Christophe Cornellier (Accro Velo Val D'Or)12:30.50
17. Gabriel Rivest (D'Amos)12:36.56
18. Jeff Eades12:38.58
19. Ryan Anderson (Juventus CC)13:53.33
20. Gabriel Clavet (Velomania)15:08.08
21. Cory Hancock15:17.17
22. Charles Lachance (Normandin/CBSF)16:41.01
23. Coday May16:51.11
24. Maxime Berthiaume (Independant)18:26.06
25. Cameron Jette18:41.21
26. Louis- Philippe Plante (Cycle Outaouais)18:48.28
27. Louis - Philippe Esculier (Beauport)19:06.46
28. Sergio Theroux (Demers sports)20:15.15
29. Zachary Winn20:55.55
30. Olivier Forget- Lapierre (CVM Val-David)22:23.43
31. Samuel Gelinas (Le Yeti)23:31.11
32. Alix Dupont- Huot (Cycle Outaouais)23:37.17
33. Marc- Andre Faucher (Cycle Outaouais)23:57.37
34. David Fournier (Durand Sports)24:01.41
35. Justin Roy (Accro Velo Val D'Or)25:15.15
36. Charles Desmarais (Independant)26:07.67
37. Felix Cote (CVM Val-David)27:29.49
38. Karl-Philippe Fournier (Independant)28:56.36
39. Frederic Bouchard- Labonte (CVM Des Bois-Francs)29:21.61
40. Ian Berube (CVM Le Relais)29:58.98
41. Alexandre Dumont (Independant)31:25.85
42. Mark Pennell31:56.16
43. Geoff Oí Toole32:29.49
44. Adrien Comeau (Independant)33:09.89
45. Leandre Chenier- Portugais (CVM Val-David)34:15.55
46. Samuel Cadotte- Holler (PierreDemers SDSport)40:19.19
47. Robin Caille (ABC Cycles Sports)40:46.46
48. Maxime Laflamme (Accro Velo Val D'Or)42:55.75
49. Raphael Gagne (Beauport)56:54.14
50. Alex Bookbinder (Hardwood Hills)1:08:35.15
51. Jeremy Bobrow (Independant)1:11:52.12
DNF. Kyle Dimmock
DNF. Mario Gagne
DNF. Maxime Guevin (VeloClub St-Hyacinthe)
DNF. Alex Harvey (Record-TVA-MSA)
DNF. Gabriel Jacques (Beauport)
DNF. Pierre Levasseur
DNF. Alex Pettinati- Cadotte (PierreDemers SDSport)
DNS. Simon Paradis (Durand Sports)
DNS. Simon Schaffner- Robitaille (PierreDemers SDSport)
DNF. Pier- Alexandre Pelletier (Laferte)
DNF. Eric Boily (Norco Performance bikes)
DNF. Jerome Malenfant (Record-TVA-MSA)
DNF. Olivier Doizy (Independant)
DNS. Mike Ledlre (Total Sports)
DNF. Max Schnutcen (Cyclesmith)
DNF. Marc Trussler (Cyclesmith)
DNF. Colin Howard (Hardwood Hills)
Under 17 Expert Women
1. Marie- Claude Surprenant (Sportif Bromont)1:22:31.00
2. Isabelle Jacques (Independant)at 2:27.47
3. Anne- Catherine Bedard (Team XCLUZIV)3:28.08
4. Julie Belanger (Velogamik)10:06.06
5. Virginie Begin (CVM Val-David)33:59.39
DNF. Eva Thouvenot (Independant)
Under 15 Men
1. Antoine Morneau-Ricard (CVM Le Relais/Lac Beauport)32:29.85
2. Jean - Simon Fortier (Beauport)at 0:26.41
3. Simon Jean- Boudreault (Charlevoix)0:45.96
4. Carl Boutet- Gingras (Durand Sports)0:58.84
5. Alexandre Raymond (Cyclone D'Alma(CVM))1:05.08
6. David Larouche (Accro Velo Val D'Or)2:16.91
7. Elliot Jarry - Bolduc (PierreDemers SDSport)2:44.16
8. Jerome Savary (Velo-2 Max( St- Felicien))2:48.73
9. Steve Caille (ABC Cycles Sports)3:06.21
10. Michael Dufour (Acidose Lactique)3:35.69
11. Jonathan Boucher (Beauport)3:38.18
12. Marc- Olivier Laplante (Cycle Outaouais)3:42.13
13. Marc- Olivier Bouchard (Charlevoix)3:44.45
14. Olivier Martineau (Independant)4:36.53
15. Marc Hamel (Durand Sports)4:54.25
16. Etienne Bouchard (Cycles Lambert)4:57.92
17. Simon Barrett (CVM Val-David)5:07.95
18. Benoit Faucher (Cycle Outaouais)5:36.95
19. Alexandre Huard (CVM Val-David)6:14.01
20. Charles- Olivier M. Bellerive (CVM Val-David)6:17.07
21. Vincent Potvin (PierreDemers SDSport)6:19.38
22. Benjamin Simard (Beauport)6:22.39
23. Julien Cadotte (PierreDemers SDSport)6:25.90
24. Nicolas Fournier (Durand Sports)6:27.73
25. Dominic Lallier (Independant)6:47.28
26. Hugo Poirier (Spinomax)7:08.49
27. Connor Dixon (Bay Cycle - 3 Rox Racing)7:23.76
28. Josh Macaulay (Horthern Cycle)7:24.05
29. Joîl Brais (CCVR)7:24.29
30. Jean- Francois Lariviëre (Durand Sports)7:31.40
31. Chris Jackson8:32.13
32. Simon Thibeault (Independant)8:47.27
33. Thomas Devisscher (Cycle Outaouais)8:51.96
34. Simon-Pierre Martineau (Independant)8:54.47
35. Gabriel Gagne- Grondin (Laferte)9:49.09
36. Daniel Thorpe (Bay Cycle - 3 Rox Racing)10:05.21
37. Vincent Allard (Independant)10:27.99
38. Olivier Dufour (Durand Sports)10:35.62
39. David Vincent (CVM Val-David)10:43.92
40. Sebastien Berthiaume (Independant)11:41.09
41. Alex Lavertu (Durand Sports)12:15.34
42. Mark Rushton14:07.28
43. Charles Audet (Durand Sports)14:31.42
44. Francis Morin (Sportif Bromont)14:51.06
45. Mark Winfiels16:37.63
46. Marc- Olivier Poissant (Sportif Bromont)17:49.8
47. Leigh Mitchell17:53.45
48. Raphael Martin (CVM Val-David)18:51.17
49. Jeremi Bussiëres (CVM Val-David)20:52.74
50. Yoann Therer (Academie Lafontaine)21:52.56
DNS. Anthony Laroche (Durand Sports)
DNS. Michael Roux (CVM Des Bois-Francs)
DNF. Hans Lambert (CCVR Volkswagen/Trek)
DNS. Laurent Lacombe (Beauport)
Under 15 Women
1. Andreanne Pichette (Durand Sports)34:31.27
2. Meghan Dixon (Bay Cycle - 3 Rox Racing)at 0:15.85
3. Alexandra Gelinas-Hamelin (Cycle Outaouais)1:42.32
4. Sophie Harvey (Record-TVA-MSA)3:49.26
5. Elianne Parent (CVM Val-David)4:45.68
6. Catherine Fournier- Dubocage (Devinci)5:19.97
7. Myriam Plante (Cycle Outaouais)7:58.66
DNS. Audrey Laroche (Durand Sports)
DNF. Sophie Ringuet (Record-TVA-MSA)
DNF. Stephanie Bobrow (Independant)
DNF. Marilou Morin- Perrin (CVM Val-David)
Under 13 Men
1. Laurent Rivard (La Cordee PleinAir)33:04.77
2. Guillaume Gelinas (Cycle Outaouais)at 3:34.04
3. Samuel Gazaille (Montreal MTB Club)3:58.91
4. Francois Eugster (Sportif Bromont)4:09.64
5. Samuel Dufour (Acidose Lactique)5:06.06
6. Philippe Depault (Independant)5:54.19
7. Francois Lehoux (Beauport)6:02.86
8. Xavier Rivard (La Cordee PleinAir)6:08.13
9. Bastien Goyet (Sportif Bromont)7:06.57
10. Steven Beaumont (Sportif Bromont)8:54.73
11. Keiven Gagne (Sportif Bromont)9:16.97
12. Martin Atchinak (Independant)9:41.35
13. Thierry Lambert (Volkswagen/Trek CCVR)10:04.41
14. Jordan Pronovost (Independant)10:47.65
15. Mathieu Charron (c.c. Outaouais)12:37.56
16. Charles- Hugo Pouliot (CVM Val-David)13:12.99
17. Griffin Dixon (Bay Cycle - 3 Rox Racing)14:42.88
18. Charles Matte (Accro Velo Val D'Or)20:10.01
DNF. Maxime Sullivan (Charlevoix)
DNF. Ralph St- Laurent Pedneault (Durand Sports)
DNF. Francis Wong (Independant)
DNF. Ulysse Desjardins- Provost (CVM Val-David)
Under 13 Women
1. Charlotte Batty (Baycycle/3Rox Racing)37:09.94
2. Danika Veillette (Independant)at 0:01.29
3. Joanie Laflamme (Independant)3:25.3
4. Maghalie Rochette (Demers Sports)7:45.21


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