Canadian Cyclist


June 17/03 12:51 pm - Whistler Volunteeres Wanted, CCA Announces Road Nationals Sponsor

Posted by Editoress on 06/17/03

Volunteers Wanted for Whistler's Ultimate Mountain Bike Festival & Nationals
Carrie Hall, Operations Manager

Whistler Summer Gravity Festival July 14th to 20th

We need your expertise to help with the Tim Horton's Nationals and Whistler's ultimate mountain bike festival from July 14 - 20 '03.

We are looking for assistance with registration, race operations, media/sponsor hosts, industry expo hosts, beer garden assistance and more...

Great schwag (free stuff), food and other goodies are in store for you... Also, as a bonus we are in the process of securing accomodation for some key volunteer positions.

More information, schedule of events and volunteer sign up is all available at or 604-935-5582

See you there? Cheers, Carrie Hall

CCA Announces Vehicle Sponsor for Road Nationals

The Canadian Cycling Association is please to announce that Saturn of St. Catharines (ON) will be providing Official Race Vehicles for the 2003 Tim Hortons Road National Championships being held in Hamilton, ON June 27 to 29 and Pelham, ON June 30.  Saturn of St. Catharines has been working with the St. Catharines Cycling Club on the numerous events it organizes throughout the season.

L'Association Cycliste Canadienne est heureuse d'annoncerque le concessionnaire Saturn de St.Catharines (ON) va fournir les véhicules de course officiels pour les Championnats nationaux sur route Tim Hortons, qui auront lieu du 27 au 29 juin à Hamilton, ON, et le 30 juin à Pelham, ON.

Le concessionnaire Saturn de St.Catharines travaille en collaboration avec le St.Catharines Cycling Club sur de nombreuses épreuves que celui-ci organise tout au long de la saison.


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