Canadian Cyclist


June 18/03 9:16 am - Calgary Track League, Calgary Tuesday Night Criterium, NB MTB Series

Posted by Editoress on 06/18/03

Calgary Track League

Results from June 12th. It was the start of our second 6 day race series, and with great weather to boot!

Scott Fraser

Calgary Tuesday Night Criterium
courtesy rfactorial & Nuptek Systems Ltd.

Results of the "Where-the-heck-is-cp-Tuesday-Night-Criterium"

University of Calgary Research Park, 35 minutes + 3 laps
Single group (Cat.1,2,3,4,5,women,novices, poseurs)
17 competitors, 0 DNF

1. Jeff Bolstad
2. Jesse Collins
3. Mark Frewster

Top woman: Samantha Nicolson (7 overall)

Best of the rest
9. Tommy Mak
10. James Kenney

Subway Mountain Bike series New Brunswick
Courtesy Catherine Gaudet, National Cycling Centre-Atlantic Canada

Results for the second week of racing of the Subway Mountain Bike series.

Voici les résultats de la deuxième semaine de course de la Série de vélo de montagne Subway.

Group A (4 laps/ 4 tours)
Eugene Duke ( Dieppe)
Marcel Vautour (Dieppe)
Michel Léger (Dieppe)
Don Ricker (Salisbury)
Brad Fullford (Sussex)
Darrin Deveau (Moncton)
Mathieu Bourgeois (Dieppe)DNF
Mathieu Goguen (Cocagne) DNF


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