Canadian Cyclist


June 21/97 22:05 pm - Beauce, Ontario Track Championships

Posted by Editor on 06/21/97

Beauce Stage 3 1. Jonathan Vaughters (Colorado Cycling Team) 2. Matt Anand (Espoirs de Laval) at 1:22 3. Trent Klasna (Colorado Cycling Team) 1:48 4. Bart Bowen (Saturn) 1:49 5. Matthew White (Giant AIS) 1:55 6. Czeslaw Lukaszewicz (Espoirs de Laval) 2:00 7. Michael Barry (Espoirs de Laval) 2:46 14. Jacques Landry (Everfresh-Radio Energie) 5:34 20. Jean-Sebastien Beland (Everfresh-Radio Energie) 10:04 24. Peter Wedge (Everfresh-Radio Energie) 14:43 28. John Powell (Team Ontario) 17:16 Stage 4 ITT 1. Vaughters 17:11 2. Klasna at 0:28 3. White 0:31 4. Bowen 0:48 5. Landry 0:56 6. Anand 1:01 8. Lukaszewicz 1:08 9. Mark Hibbard (Team Ontario) 1:11 13. Wedge 1:14 15. Barry 1:18 20. Sylvain Beauchamp (Everfresh-Radio Energie) 1:41 28. Powell 1:59 29. Alexandre Cloutier (ExcellenceSports-Harveys) 2:00 Brian Walton abandoned on this stage We have no General Classification at this point. Ontario Track Championships - Delhi Track A note from organizer Val Davidge: It is turning out to be a great championship. We have over 40 riders for the first time in about 7 years. There are 10 women in the field and they have put up some terrific entertainment with their guts and sprinting. Also, there are several of the downtown couriers riding after their figure of 8 experiences (the Alley Cat Scramble - April) and they are having a total ball. They are strong and have good bike handling skills. It is now official that Forest City CC runs a Track League on the track every Tuesday evening to which everyone is welcome. This poor, run down old girl, the best track in eastern Canada is definitely going through a terrific revival. Now that we have raised the money for a renovation process, the sky‚s the limit! Will fax you the remaining results tomorrow. Say your prayers that the weather keeps fine. Senior Men 10 km Points race 1. Scott Nagy 2. Glen McIntyre 3. Daniele DeFrancesci 4. Hans Loeffelholz 5. Ken Murray 6. Julian Base 7. Keith Thorianson Veteran Men Kilo 1. Bradley Day (Ziggys) 1:19.57 2. Roger Waithe (Madonna) 1:23.54 3. Terry Rice (Ziggys) 1:24.46 4. Rob Cheskey (Hamilton CC) 1:26.92 5. Peter Holt (FCCC) 1:29.55 6. Derek Parsons 1:32.26 Junior Men Kilo 1. David Downey (FCC) 1:44.57 2. Charlie Conran (FCC) 1:49.42 3. Nolan Moffat (St Catharines) 1:30.91 senior Men Kilo 1. Daneille DeFrancesci (Caboto) 1:16.71 2. Keith Thorianson (Hummingbird) 1:18.47 3. Hans Loeffelhoz 1:19.38 4. Scott Nagy 1:21.16 5. Julian Base (FCCC) 1:22.03 6. Ken Murray 1:22.23 7. Alex Vargin (Caboto) 1:28.94 8. Glen McIntyre (FCCC) 1:29.71 9. Lyall Beattie (OBC) 1:31.65 Senior Women 500 Metre TT 1. Kerry Chapman (Maple Lodge) 43.84 seconds 2. Heather Loeffelholz 45.12 3. Jirina Vlk (Team Sportable) 46.27 4. Allyson Fox 46.37 5. Jennifer Pilzecker (Lakeshore) 46.44 6. Julia Bradley (Lakeshore) 47.25 7. Sarah Heisman (Lakeshore) 47.33 8. Maogosho Pyjor (Lakeshore) 48.09 9. Kate Archibald (Lakeshore) 48.44 10. Anita Hurley (Lakeshore) 53.31 Senior Men Team Pursuit 1. Charlie Gorman, Brendan Gorman, John Rilett, Nolan Moffat 5:52.78 2. Glen McIntyre, Chris Helwig, Julian Base, Peter Holt 5:55.85 3. Ken Murray, Danielle DeFrancesci, Scott Nagy, Hans Loeffelholz 5:30.49


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