Canadian Cyclist


August 12/03 9:49 am - MORE Montreal-Quebec, Pan Am Games ITT Results

Posted by Editoress on 08/12/03

More Montreal-Quebec

Jeff Hansen has sent in a report

Seeing as I was there I can say exactly what happened:

Steve Rover, Czeslaw Lukaszewicz and I had formed a break of around 30 seconds (reported correctly) and we were together at the tracks.

Rover (i.e. not me) led the charge over the tracks - while Czeslaw and I slowed down a bit. But we both eventually followed.

The remaining 4 riders who were disqualified came across after we passed -- one of which (Peter Morse) made it across to our group of 3.

We then continued for 3 or 4 kms before we were told to stop by one of the lead motos and then utimately DQed 15 minutes later ....

Note: that this situation was a little exceptional in the fact that our break was told nothing of a train crossing before we got to it. It was at the bottom of a hill and we did not even see it until several hundred metres because of the curve of the road and the hill. Seeing as there was a commissaire **right** beside us on a moto the sitution could have been handled a lot better if he gave us some direct instructions to avoid all the confusion.

All we saw was a bunch of policemen with their arms outstretched saying 'stop'. After 5 hours of racing in the rain it takes a little while to process that.

Anyway -- the only other thing I can say about the situation was that after 15 years of racing it was a pretty dumb move to cross the tracks in this situation -- especially since I was feeling pretty good with just over 50km to go -- and I probablly cost the team some prize money and UCI points.

It was also the first time I have ever been disqualified while at the front of a race....

Pan Am Games Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Women's Individual Time Trial
1. Kimberly Bruckner (USA)41:11
2. Clara Hughes (CAN)at 0:38
3. Kristin Amstrong (USA)1:32
4. Paola Madrinan (COL)2:01
5. Joanka Gonzalez (CUB)2:30
6. Rosane Kirsh (BRA)2:49
7. Yudemis Dominguez (CUB)3:05
8. Janildes Silva (BRA)3:08
9. Evelyn Garcia (ESA)3:20
10. Sandra Gomez (COL)3:21
11. Marie Rosado (PUR)4:31
12. Ines Eppers (BOL)4:33
13. Anrossy Paruta (VEN)4:35
14. Amelia Blanco (DOM)4:42
15. Julia Hawley (BER)4:54
16. Maria Dolores Molina (GUA)5:05
17. Patricia Palencia (MEX)7:29
17. Maria Castaneda (GUA)7:29
Men's Individual Time Trial
1. Jose Serpa (COL)1:04:45
2. Chris Baldwin (USA)at 0:39
3. Raul Chacon (VEN)0:55
4. Jose Medina (CHI)1:25
5. Domingo Gonzalez (MEX)1:45
6. Marcio May (BRA)2:14
7. Christopher Hedges (BER)2:26
8. Hernan Bonilla (COL)2:39
9. Alexandre Cloutier (CAN)2:55
10. Fischer Morillo (BRA)3:17
11. Luis Romero (CUB)3:28
12. Wendy Palacios (DOM)5:23
13. Colby Pearce (USA)5:25
14. Juan Pablo Araya (CRC)5:33
15. Jean-Francois Laroche (CAN)6:17
16. Abel Jochola (GUA)7:47
17. Ignacio Sarabia (MEX)7:52
18. Geri Mewett (BER)8:49
19. Charles Fabian (ANT)12:00
DNF. Cid Michael Martinez (BOL)


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