Canadian Cyclist


June 5/98 7:26 am - Cycle BC Responds, Victoria Track Program

Posted by Editor on 06/5/98

Cycle BC Responds

To the Editor,

I am writing to give Cycling BC's side of the "Pro Comp Story" editorial posted June 3, 1998 on the Daily News.

The members of the cycling community are all surprised with the recent announcement of Pro Comp to pull out of event organizing. While their events have not come without controversy, it is important to remember that Dave Smith and his business have given a great service to the mountain biking population from the grass roots to the international level. We thank him for that, and we know that his contributions to cycling in Canada will be remembered by many.

I would, however, like to refute Dave's position that a letter written by Cycling BC to Pro Comp was the final straw. The letter to which you refer (marked personal and confidential, not addressed to Dave) was sent to Pro Comp after they had terminated their race organizer's contracts. This letter was written with the consent of our Off-Road Racing Committee. According to our sources, the reason for Pro Comp going out of business was due to instability with the parent company Pro Com.

I agree with Dave's statement that "cycling needs to be run more like a business". In order for Cycling BC to achieve it's mission, we need money to do it. It would also seem that CCA would share this philosophy as they have outlined the vision of an event marketing department within the organization in order to be able to get better sponsorship and support for national and international level events. I would disagree with Dave that the way the system is set up is impossible to run successful events. The vast majority of events in Canada break even and I feel that it would be unfair to blame the system for the ones that fail. Perhaps Dave should look at his own business practices for the real reasons behind the lack of money.

As the sport continues to grow, making a perfect schedule will be an ongoing challenge. If Dave felt so strongly that Pro Comp deserves a World Cup, he should have put the CCA appeals policy to test in order to make his case. The policy was created by the Canadian Centre for Sport and Law and I think that it is a fair way to deal with issues such as these. While it may easy to point fingers in situations like this, I think we all (magazine editors, organizers, riders, associations, sponsors...) bear responsibility to create a positive environment in which cases of pettiness, backstabbing and narrow mindedness are the exception, not the rule. Together we stand, divided we fall.

Cycling BC is committed to making all efforts to take a leadership role in developing this environment. If anybody would like to become directly involved in helping necessitate this change, my communication lines are open 24 hours a day to welcome you in getting involved in making cycling an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all.

Yours in Sport,

C. John Wakefield
Executive Director

World Cup Legacy in Motion as Velodrome Beginner Programs Kick Off
(courtesy CCSD)

Victoria (June 5, 1998) - One of the legacies of the World Cup of Track Cycling is ready to roll on Monday, June 8 at Juan de Fuca Velodrome.

Two programs aimed at teaching the basic elements of track cycling to beginners combine coaching by local track riders and riding converted bikes donated during the World Cup, held in Victoria May 28-30. Learn to Ride the Track is aimed at boys 14 + and men, and Women on Wheels Track Cycling is designed for girls 14+ and women.

When Olympic silver medallist and national team member Brian Walton launched Walton‚s Wheels last week, he called for the general public to donate unwanted bikes for the program, in addition to contributing $1,000 to kick start the Victoria pilot program. By the last evening of the World Cup, 14 bikes had been donated.

The four-week programs are offered three times during the summer. Women on Wheels Track Cycling runs Mondays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., June 8-29, July 6-27, and August 10-31. Learn to Ride the Track runs Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., June 9-30, July 7-28, and August 11-Sept. 1. The cost of each session is $30 for those under 18 years of age and $40 for others.

Each program culminates with special novice races at scheduled track cycling meets this summer. The June program will offer registration in the novice races at the Tim Hortons BC Track Cycling Championships July 4-5, the July program in novices races in the Tim Hortons National Track Cycling Championships July 24-26, and the August program will showcase its graduates at the Greater Victoria Velodrome Association‚s Season Finale, a wind-up meet on September 14.

The programs are designed by Steve Lund, Assistant National Team coach at the Commonwealth Centre for Sport Development National Cycling Centre, who trained the coaches to deliver his program. Lund also authored the extremely successful Women on Wheels road cycling program which taught 45 women the basics of road riding, many of whom competed in the novice race at the 7th Annual Re/Max Bastion Square Cycling Grand Prix.

Coaches of the women‚s program include former national team and World Cup riders Bonnie Luke and Anita Thyer, and coaches Maureen Kelly, and Julie Newton from the Women on Wheels road cycling program. The men‚s coaches will include BC provincial medallist Ian Barnes and coaches Tom Ward and John Luton of the weekly Thursday night track league.

The following bike shops are donating parts and labor to convert the donated bikes for use on the track:

1. Black Cat Bicycles
2. The Bike Cellar
3. Fairfield Bicycle Shop
4. Fort Street Cycles
5. Physical Culture
6. Bicycleitis
7. Brentwood Bicycles
8. Performance Bicycles
9. Rider‚s Cycles
10. Mac‚s Cycle Centre

The programs include skill and safety-oriented elements such as riding a track bike - which involves braking with a fixed gear vs brakes - , riding the banking, riding with others, and learning race skills such as starting. Participants must use track bikes, supplied for $5 per four-week session, and wear an approved bicycle helmet (CSA, ANSI, or Snell standards) and close fitting shorts or tights, cycling gloves, and cycling shoes or running shoes are recommended.

The programs are offered through a partnership agreement with Juan de Fuca Recreation, the Commonwealth Centre for Sport Development and the Greater Victoria Velodrome Association. To register, or for more information on participating, call 478-8384.


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