Canadian Cyclist


August 25/03 2:18 am - Track, Chater Memorial, Critical Mass, 'Cross

Posted by Editor on 08/25/03

Women's World Cup - Plouay, France

It appears that the results we published on Saturday for the World Cup are to be the official ones, despite some rumours that lapped riders were placed ahead of unlapped riders.

NAS Track 6 Day

Day 6 - Final Standings

Division A
1 Dave Koesel, Livonia 210
2 Tony Bruley, Rochester Hills 199
3 Ronnie Sink, Rochester 196
4 Andre Champoux, Ypsilanti 139
5 Rob Good, Toronto Canada 110
5 Pio Apostoli, Toledo, Ohio 110
7 Terry Palmer, Macomb Twp. 73 (DNF)
8 Jon Hughes, Rochester Hills 60 (DNF)

Division AA
1 Nick Laugton, Rochester Hills 195
2 Cullen Watkins, Royal Oak 185
3 Wayne Cook, Mt. Clemens 166
4 Mark Freed, Mt. Pleasant 165
5 Dave Teal, Toledo, Ohio 145
6 Christopher Hughes, Roch. Hills 115
7 Michael Bauhof, Troy 81(DNF)
8 Hans Peterson, Northville 75 (DNF)

Calgary Track League
Courtesy Reid Dalgleish

Results of the Calgary Track League Series for August 21, 2003 can be found Here.

Chris Thater Memorial Race - Hackettstown, NJ
Courtesy Dave Butler

1 Jonas Carney 1:50:10.64
2 Vassili Davidenko
3 Marty Nothstein
4 Mark McCormack
5 Kevin Monahan
6 Oscar Pineda
7 Alex Candelario
8 Jason Waddell
9 Jeff Hopkins
10 Tim Lefebvre
22 Alexandre Lavallee all s.t.

Bruno Langlois finished with t he peloton, but we have no position.

1 Tina Mayolo-Pic 1:35:09.1
2 Laura Van Gilder
3 Gina Grain
4 Emily Gloeckner
5 Lauren Franges
6 Tania Duff-Miller
7 Amy Moore
8 Sheba Farrin
9 Elizabeth Begosh
10 Anna Milkowski all s.t.

Martian Critical Mass Ride and Roll

On Friday, August 29, 2003, join fellow bicyclists, skaters, and bladers for a leisurely Martian themed ride through the streets of Vancouver. Meet rain or shine at the Vancouver Art Gallery on the Georgia Street side between 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. Decorated bicycles, signs, costumes, noisemakers, squirt guns, and wildly modified bicycles are all highly encouraged. Come as your favorite Martian or wear red in observance of the Red Planet's closeness to us on that day. At the end of August the planet Mars will be the closest it has ever been in recorded history to Earth and will be the brightest object in the sky. Following the ride is a party. Come to the ride to find out where!

UBC Cyclists: Meet 4:30pm on the South SUB Plaza for a group ride down to the Vancouver Art Gallery.

East Van Cyclists: Meet 4:00pm, leaves 4:30pm, from Grandview park on Commercial Drive for a group ride down to the Vancouver Art Gallery.

For more information:, 604-734-1734,

Western NY Cyclocross Series
Courtesy Dave Valvo

Wanted to let the awesome Ontario cyclocross riders know of the Western NY Cyclocross Series being held this fall throughout western NY. You can check out the everygrowing series at


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