Canadian Cyclist


September 4/03 10:15 am - Bessette update, Randell re-signs with Jetfuel, NS Time Trial, Rumble in the Brant

Posted by Editoress on 09/4/03

Lyne Bessette Update

Lyne will be fine, from what we understand - broken clavicle, but no separation, so it should heal fast.

Randel renews with Jet Fuel Coffee
Courtesy Jet Fuel Coffee team

Andrew Randell, 2002 Canadian National Road Champion, has renewed his contract with the Jet Fuel Coffee team for the 2004 season.

Andrew's racing ability and his commitment to help develop the younger riders on the team has made Andrew the team's priority signing for the 2004 season. With the team's 2004 plans including a return to European racing, Andrew's experience will be invaluable. While racing with the team in 2002 he won stages at two different events in Europe (Ringerike Grand Prix, Norway and Milk RAS, Ireland).

Besides cycling Andrew attends Ryerson University in Toronto and you can catch him behind the counter at the Jet Fuel Coffee shop during the week.

In 2004 the Jet Fuel Coffee team will be entering its sixth season as Canada's longest running UCI registered trade team. The team has successfully mixed espoir aged riders (four in 2003, 5 in 2002) with veteran riders to place on the podium over 150 times in the past six seasons.

Wrandees XC TT Halifax, NS - September 2
Courtesy Cyclesmith

1. Rob Klue, 23:28
2. Ed Riordan, 24:44
3. Randy Gray, 24:53
4. Ian Whitehead, 26:42
5. Mike Ritter, 27:57
6. Devor, 28:01
7. Sherry Huybers, 31:35
8. Jason Martin, 31:46
9. Neil Sinclar, 35:52
10. Jean Jardine, 37:27
11. Minga O'brien, 53:30
12. Tim Farmer, DNF

Come back next week for more.
If you don't have lights, get some, in a few weeks we'll be doing it with the strobes...

Rumble in the Brant October 5th

The race format consists of 10km, 20km, and 30 km races. Participants can register for any of the three distances, with a 4 person team category in the 20 km event. Although the event is hosted by the North Perth Club, other clubs in the province are being invited out to race, especially in the team event.

This is a perfect opportunity for both novice and experienced riders of all ages to race at the Brant Tract between Walkerton and Paisley Ontario. You do not have to be a member of a cycle club to race, nor are racers required to have an OCA citizens race permit.

The Event starts at 1 pm, with same day registration starting at 11 am. Registration of $30.00 includes lunch.

To register online go to and click on special events
For more info contact Doug Cota 519-291-9675 or email


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