Canadian Cyclist


January 6/04 12:22 pm - Spitz Leaves Merida, Congratulations

Posted by Editor on 01/6/04

Spitz Leaves Merida

German sources report that world champion Sabine Spitz of Germany has left the Merida International team which she has ridden for during the past four years. Spitz, World Cup champion Gunn-Rita Dahle of Norway and Russia's Irina Kalentieva proved to be the dominant women's team on the World Cup circuit in 2003.

Spitz has released a statement: "After a long period of thinking about it, I decided to leave Merida International. The decision was not easy for me, because with Merida I had four successful and good years. I will thank Merida for the trust in me, that made the success possible".

"After four years it is time to go a new way and to accept a new challenge. The basic conditions at Merida International - for me- are not developing in a way that I need to reach all my goals".

Thomas Klotzbücher- Merida Team-Manager said: "I can understand why Sabine is leaving us but I regret it. I think Sabine doesn't want to have the permanent question who is Number One- 'Gunn-Rita or I' ".

The existing contract (till the end of 2004) will be dissolved. Both Klotzbücher and Spitz deny financial reasons caused the split. The new team of Sabine Spitz is not yet known, but will be released the next few weeks.

"Which team, I will join, will be decided in the next weeks. I'm sure there will be conditions, that give me all the opportunities I need to prepare optimally for my great goal, the Olympics.

Klotzbücher also confirmed that Merida International will turn into "Multivan-Merida", with Volkswagen becoming a title sponsor of the team.


To Erik Davis of Ryeka Sports, who announces the newest employee: Tyler James Davis. Born Jan 2, 2004, 10lbs 3oz. (This one is going to be a track sprinter!)


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