Canadian Cyclist


February 4/04 9:59 am - Ice Bike Ride in Brantford

Posted by Editoress on 02/4/04

Ice Bike Ride
Courtesy HPTA

The Human Powered Transportation Association (HPTA) will hold an Ice Bike ride on February 7th at Mayfair Park and Wayne Gretzky Arena

Mayfair Park , Brantford - 12 to 5 pm
Wayne Gretzky Sports centre -8:30 to 10 PM


Elimination Pursuit oval
Two racers , two laps around oval course. Winner moves to next round.

Out and back Slalom
Racers negotiate pyloned course as fast as you can. Best time wins

Timed lap races 15 min
Everybody on the ice. Once the clock starts, get in as many laps as you can before the horn sounds

Traction Aids 10 Min 2003

Non Traction aids 5 Min 2003 results

Ice Bike Rules for Participants

All Riders must wear an unmodified helmet that has passed one of the national certification tests.

* All vehicles must pass a vehicle technical inspection, prior to entering into practices or races. All riders must be able to start, stop, enter, and exit their vehicles without assistance.**

Human Powered Vehicles only. Vehicles with any supplemental power source are prohibited. Membership in any organization is NOT required. It is understood that entry fees may be required to participate in an event.

All vehicles must have functioning, independent and multiple brake systems. Two cables to one brake does not qualify as multiple systems. Having brakes on all wheels is encouraged. All vehicles must be equipped with functioning mirrors for both sides of the vehicle.

*** Numbers will be supplied for each vehicle. Numbers must be visible from each side of the vehicle (numbers on helmets are not acceptable).

Numbers must appear on contrasting backround so as to be visible to scorers and judges. If a number plate is necessary, it will be supplied. Supplied number plates are 6"x 9". A vehicle and rider are considered a unit for scoring purposes. Changing either rider, vehicle. or class requires a new number and registration.

*An unmodified helmet , meaning that the original helmet may not be cutaway in any way. No solvents or adhesives may be used to add to the original helmet, beyond the reccommendations of the manufacturer.

** To provide for introduction of this rule to non-series participants, any vehicles that require holders will be started at the back of the starting grid.

*** Helmet or glasses-mounted mirrors are acceptable. Multirider vehicles must have mirrors in a position useable by the vehicle captian. Riders must wear an approved helmet for all practices and events.

Entry Fees: Each Vehicle will pay $20.00 for each day of racing. This entitles the vehicle to a number and number plates if needed and entry into all that day's races. All races shall be timed and/or scored. You need not be a member of any organization to participate, but must sign a participant waiver and pass technical inspection to race or ride on any race course. Who Can Race? The HPTA sponsored HPV Races are open to all human powered land vehicles (including standard bicycles and tandems).

Vehicles with bodies or fairings will be registered in their appropriate class. Female competitors are encouraged to participate in any class but also have the option to race in their own class if so desired. This series is designed to be safe, fun, and to promote good sportsmanship, while enjoying the spirit of competition.


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