Canadian Cyclist


February 12/04 12:35 pm - RONA set to start season four (bilingual)

Posted by Editoress on 02/12/04

Team Rona Begins 4th Season
Courtesy Team Rona

Montreal, February 12, 2004 - Team RONA begins its fourth season tomorrow with the Valley of the Sun Stage Race, a three-stage race that has become the traditional launch of the cycling season in North America. Representatives of T Mobile and Team Basis, as well as the indefatigable Jeannie Longo, are also expected to participate.

The following racers will sport RONA colors for the event: Kathryn Curi (USA), Katrina Grove (USA), Andrea Hannos (CAN), Geneviève Jeanson (CAN), Anna Milkowski (USA) and Émilie Roy (CAN).

Team RONA has also released its preliminary calendar for the 2004 season.

Rona Cycling Team
2004 Race Calendar (Subject to change)

Date                   Race                                   Place
Feb. 13-15             Valley of the Sun Stage Race           Phoenix, AZ
March 5-7              Tucson Bicycle Classic                 Tucson, AZ
March 18-21            Pomona Valley Stage Race               San Dimas, CA
March 23-28            Redlands Bicycle Classic               Redlands, CA
April 17-18            European race (TBA)
April 21st             Flèche Wallonne                        Huy, Belgium
April 22-24            Australian National Championships*     Sydney, NSW
April 28-May 2         Tour of the Gila                       Silver City, NM
May 23rd               Housatonic Classic                     Connecticut
May 29th               Montreal World Cup                     Montreal, QC
May 31-June 3          Tour du Grand Montréal                 Montreal, QC
June 6th               Wachovia Liberty Classic               Philadelphia, PA
June 9-13              Nature Valley Grand Prix               Minnesota
June 16-19             American National Championships *      Redlands, CA
June 24-27             Canadian National Championships *      Kamloops, BC
July 2-5               Fitchburg-Longsjo Classic              Fitchburg, MA
July 16-18             Tour de Delta                          Delta, B.C.
July 21st              Tour de Gastown                        Vancouver, CB
July 23-25             Tour de White Rock                     White Rock, CB
July 26-Aug. 1         The International                      Altoona, PA
Aug. 14-18             OG, road races *                       Athens, Greece
Aug. 29-Sept. 1        Green Mountain Stage Race              Burlington, VT
Sept. 12               T Mobile Grand Prix                    San Francisco, CA
Sept. 27-Oct. 3        World Championships *                  Verona, Italy

* Team RONA cyclists may also participate in their respective national championships and, depending on their performance, wear their national colors at the Olympic Games and the World Championships.

Team RONA ( is one of only two Canadian women‚s cycling teams in the Elite Category recognized by the International Cycling Union. The team is made up of four Canadian racers (Geneviève Jeanson, Andrea Hannos, Émilie Roy and Erinne Willock), three Americans (Kathryn Curi, Katrina Grove and Anna Milkowski), Israeli Shani Bloch and Australian Helen Kelly. The team has exercised a policy of zero tolerance for banned substances since it was founded in 2000. This policy is explicitly stated in all its contracts.

L’Équipe Rona Entreprend sa Quatrième Saison

Montréal (Québec) le 12 février 2004 – L’équipe cycliste RONA entreprend sa quatrième saison demain en participant à la Valley of the Sun Stage Race, une course d’entraînement en trois étapes devenue le traditionnel coup d’envoi de la saison de vélo en Amérique du Nord. Sont également attendues des représentantes de T Mobile, de Team Basis, ainsi que l’infatigable Jeannie Longo.

Pour l’occasion les coureuses suivantes porteront les couleurs de RONA : Kathryn Curi (USA), Katrina Grove (USA), Andrea Hannos (CAN), Geneviève Jeanson (CAN), Anna Milkowski (USA), Émilie Roy (CAN).

Par ailleurs l’équipe RONA fait connaître aujourd’hui son calendrier préliminaire pour la saison 2004.

Équipe Cycliste Rona
Calendrier De Courses 2004

Date                   Race                                   Place
Feb. 13-15             Valley of the Sun Stage Race           Phoenix, AZ
March 5-7              Tucson Bicycle Classic                 Tucson, AZ
March 18-21            Pomona Valley Stage Race               San Dimas, CA
March 23-28            Redlands Bicycle Classic               Redlands, CA
April 17-18            European race (TBA)
April 21st             Flèche Wallonne                        Huy, Belgium
April 22-24            Australian National Championships*     Sydney, NSW
April 28-May 2         Tour of the Gila                       Silver City, NM
May 23rd               Housatonic Classic                     Connecticut
May 29th               Montreal World Cup                     Montreal, QC
May 31-June 3          Tour du Grand Montréal                 Montreal, QC
June 6th               Wachovia Liberty Classic               Philadelphia, PA
June 9-13              Nature Valley Grand Prix               Minnesota
June 16-19             American National Championships *      Redlands, CA
June 24-27             Canadian National Championships *      Kamloops, BC
July 2-5               Fitchburg-Longsjo Classic              Fitchburg, MA
July 16-18             Tour de Delta                          Delta, B.C.
July 21st              Tour de Gastown                        Vancouver, CB
July 23-25             Tour de White Rock                     White Rock, CB
July 26-Aug. 1         The International                      Altoona, PA
Aug. 14-18             OG, road races *                       Athens, Greece
Aug. 29-Sept. 1        Green Mountain Stage Race              Burlington, VT
Sept. 12               T Mobile Grand Prix                    San Francisco, CA
Sept. 27-Oct. 3        World Championships *                  Verona, Italy

*Les coureuses de l’Équipe RONA sont également susceptibles de participer à leurs championnats nationaux respectifs et, selon leurs performances, de participer sous les couleurs de leurs équipes nationales aux Jeux Olympiques et aux Championnats du monde.

L’équipe cycliste RONA est une des deux seules équipes canadiennes de cyclisme d’élite féminin reconnues par l’Union cycliste internationale. L’équipe compte quatre coureuses canadiennes (Geneviève Jeanson, Andrea Hannos, Émilie Roy et Erinne Willock), trois Américaines (Kathryn Curi, Katrina Grove, Anna Milkowski) l’Israélienne Shani Bloch et l’Australienne Helen Kelly. Depuis sa fondation, l’équipe pratique une politique de tolérance zéro à l’égard du dopage, ce qui se reflète explicitement dans tous ses contrats. Le site Web de l’équipe est à (


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