Canadian Cyclist


March 25/04 5:45 am - Alternative Cycling Events

Posted by Editor on 03/25/04

Velolove Announcements - B.C.

Go Green Choices Spring Seminar: Starting a Bicycle User Group (BUG)

2:30 - 4:30 pm
Vancouver Community College Downtown Campus
250 West Pender Street, Room 206

Starting a Bicycle User Group (BUG) at your workplace can help to create a more bike-friendly workplace. BUGS are about pedaling influence - as a group you:

* have a louder voice when asking for better bike facilities
* raise the profile of cycling and 'normalise' the image of cycle-commuting
* can provide inspiration for others who want to give cycling a whirl

Join Go Green Choices for this fun and interactive seminar and learn how to get rolling on a BUG for your workplace. The session will cover:

* How to start a Bicycle User Group (BUG)
* Maintaining your BUG
* Action Plan/Timelines
* Resources

Facilitator, Angela Sealy, designed and coordinated the Go Green program at BC Housing for 9 years. She has hands-on experience in establishing a working Bicycle User Group. Additionally, Angela has over 12 years of counseling experience and for the past four years has been leading organizations through change, board of directors training/development and team building. She now operates her business, Westcoast Facilitators Group, full time and is a member of BC Association of Facilitators.

Please RSVP by calling 604-689-4467


Friday, March 26, 2004

Bikes Not Bombs Mass Ride and Roll

Join fellow bicyclists, skaters, and bladers for a leisurely and spirited roll and ride through the streets of Vancouver supporting peace. Meet rain, shine, or snow at the Vancouver Art Gallery on the Georgia Street side between 5:00 to 5:30 p.m., and roll and ride at 6:00 p.m. Bring colorful and festive articles of peace. Decorated bicycles, trailers, costumes, signs, noisemakers, sound systems, drums, trailers, and wildly modified bicycles are all highly encouraged.

Just before the start of the ride, there will be a short tribute to Tooker Gomberg, an avid and inspirational bicycle and social activist who recently died in Halifax. For more information, visit: and

UBC riders meet 4-4:30 p.m. in front of the Student Union Building or at the UBC Bike Kitchen for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery, phone 604-827-7333 for details.

East Van riders meet 4:00 p.m., leaving 4:30 p.m., from Grandview park on Commercial Drive for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Granville Island Riders meet 4:30 p.m. north of the North Building of Emily Carr School, next to the picnic table. Email Rusl at for details.

Celebrated around the world, Critical Mass is a grassroots reclamation of public space -- on the last Friday of the month -- which allows cyclists and other self-propelled people to move safely and comfortably through city streets in a car-free space. Non-polluting forms of transportation are promoted.

For more information:, 604-734-1734

Worldwide details may be found at: or


Free Blinkie Batteries For Vancouver Cyclists

At the Friday, March 26, Critical Mass and on Saturday, March 27

Many cyclists are injured simply because they do not have blinking lights. Until supplies last, cyclists can get free batteries for their blinkies by dropping off their dead alkaline batteries in exchange for revived batteries.

Friday, March 26, 5:00pm-6:00pm
Critical Mass, Vancouver Art Gallery

Saturday, March 27, 4:30pm-5:30pm,
Main Street Cafe, 2616 Main at Broadway,


Batteries revived by Battery Restore Program should pass every model of battery testers sold by Radio Shack. Please bring in, and drop off, all your dead, non-leaking, alkaline batteries!


Yo choppers and freak bike riders to be...

We can warm our toes by the welder and inhale the sweet perfume of vapourizing metal. We provide the tools and technicians. You provide a semi-complete bike and other parts you can scrounge. Bring your craziest ideas and we will make it work!

Cost (sliding scale) is $75 to $300, space is limited, pre-registration is a must.

To book a space in the April Pedal Plays Chopper Building Workshop or to receive more information email
or phone Jim H at 604-916-2453.


Saturday & Sunday, March 27-28

The Galloping Goose (MTB) Vancouver Bicycle Club Tour

The Galloping Goose is a trip on an abandoned railway line. We will take the ferry to Swartz Bay on Saturday morning and start riding from there. The approximate distance on each day is 80 km. Day 1 is rolling but no serious hills. Day 2 is mostly flat. We will stay overnight in Sooke at the Sunny Shores. Accommodation is shared and there are cooking facilities in the cabins. There is also a good diner in Sooke.

Tour rating: Not rated
Shared accommodation in a motel. Max group size determined by group leader.
Approx $30.

Contact: Berni Koppe
Deadline: Due by March 13th

More tour rides at:


Sunday, March 28

Vancouver Bicycle Club Deep Cove Ride (Medium)

The ride: From Max's we will go around Stanley Park, over the Lions Gate then below Marine Drive, Mt Seymour Parkway to Deep Cove. Return will be Dollarton Hwy, Iron Worker's Memorial bridge and Adanac bike route. Deep Cove has nice spots for picnicking (my preference), or go to one of the restaurants there.
Meet: At Max's Deli, 15th and Oak at 10:00 am.
Distance: Approximately 50 km.

Contact: Victor B


Monday, March 29 until Friday, April 2

Art Show!! At the NEW Bike Hub at UBC

To submit your piece(s), email to with a description of your piece. We can also work out when and where you can drop your work off, if not during set up. Set up will be on Sunday, March 28 at 12:00-4:00 pm. Pieces can be dropped off and set up during this time. We look o-so-forward to seeing some 'fine' art!

See for the general geographical location

For questions and more information:
The UBC AMS Bike Co-op -


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC) Vancouver Committee Meeting

If you ride your bike in Vancouver, come to our monthly meet and work with other cyclists to help improve cycling facilities in Vancouver. Your active participation can make a real difference. Lend your voice and your support and get involved. New participants are always welcome.

If you wish to have an item added to the agenda, please send it to Jack Becker

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Vancouver Public Library Firehall Branch, 1455 West 10th Ave
(just east of Granville Street)

For more information contact


Wednesday, March 31

Vancouver Rapid Transit (RAV) Virtual Open House

Recently the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC) made a submission to the RAVCO Board calling for a cycling friendly RAV line with bike feeder networks to the stations, cycling friendly and efficient bicycle flow into and through the stations, a car per train designed to accommodate bicycles, unrestricted access to the trains including time of day and number of bicycles per train, and a bike path on the new Fraser River crossing.

Please get your support in for a cycling friendly line and support the VACC submissions by attending one of the open houses and letting your voice be heard. This open house is at:

Roundhouse Community Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews, in downtown Vancouver
6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

For more information, phone 604-484-7287 (RAVP) email or visit


Sunday, April 4, 2004

Pacific Populaire Bike Ride

The Pacific Populaire Bike Ride is Greater Vancouver's first major public ride of the cycling season. The ride is sponsored by the B.C. Randonneurs. The focus of the event is to encourage participation by all cyclists.

For some, the ride is a challenge to turn in a fast time, a personal best, or to complete more distance than last year. Others will be out for a relaxed spring ride, fresh air and exercise.

Choose a distance -- 25, 50, or 100 km. Route sheets will be provided. Food and drink is provided at the control stops and riders are awarded a finishers pin.

Registration between 7:30 and 8:55 am, rides start at 9:00 am Riley Park Community Centre, Ontario Street at 30th Avenue. Registration is $25.00 ($18.00 if you pre-register by March 29). Spring Forward Reminder -- this is the time change weekend!

For routes, entry forms, and more information:


Sunday, April 4, 2004 (04/04/04)

Calling all chopper bikes with riders in costumes and fools...

The 24th Annual Fool's Day Parade -- a spring fertility ritual and annual Vancouver tradition -- begins rain or shine at High Noon at the Aquatic Centre (1050 Beach Avenue in Vancouver) under the Big Tree. The King or Queen of Fools will be crowned and then the West End Seawall will be paraded with The Carnival Band. This Year's Theme is "Fool Of The Year". Come as Your Favorite Fool.

The renowned spectacle, featuring floats, stiltwalkers, Human Beings In Silly Costumes, and major hoopla, spotlights participants costumed as the nominated Fools of the Year. Among this year's nominees are Conrad Black, George W. Bush, Gordon Campbell, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, and, sadly, Todd Bertuzzi. The Parade is the highlight of Vancouver's annual "Foolishness Week", proclaimed by Mayor Larry Campbell for April 1 to 8.

For more information:
Godfrey Daniels, Commissioner of Fools


Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 9-11

Easter on the Sunshine Coast Vancouver Bicycle Club Tour (Road/MTB)

The Sunshine Coast is well known for its beauty and favourable climate. Its been a preferred cycling destination for many years. A 2 night Easter weekend at The Upper Deck Hostel in Sechelt. Lots of multi-activities can be done in Sechelt, which includes hiking, kayaking, diving, walking and mountain biking.

Book early as this will be a very popular tour and will fill up quickly. This is a multi-pace tour with multiple leaders. Distance starting from Max's Deli at 15th and Oak is 90km. Distance starting from Horseshoe Bay terminal is 60km.

Tour rating: Medium (which is equivalent to medium road ride)
Accommodations & costs: The Upper Deck Hostel, $40 for dorm style rooms or $125 per couple in a private room and can accommodate up to 20 guests. Please confirm with Andrea Corona.

Contact: Andrea Corona

More tour rides at:


Saturday, June 12, 2004
World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR)

For more information:


Bike Month, June 2004

Planning is well underway for Bike Month 2004. Any ideas for this year and comments on last year's Bike Month would be greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you are planning bicycle related activities in June that you would like included on the Bike Month event listings.

For more information, and to send comments and Bike Month events:
Richard Campbell
phone: 604-669-2860


Listen to Pedal Revolutionary Bike Radio!

Every other Thursday, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., on CiTR 101.9 FM

News about bike civic politics, chopper bikes, legal issues, bike maintenance, culture, fun and of course Critical Mass. Your Hosts: Chain Breaker Jane, DJ Helmut Hair, and Riff Sailor.

For more information:,
Listen live over the Internet:


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