Canadian Cyclist


April 1/04 12:00 pm - April 1st "News"

Posted by Editoress on 04/1/04

We hope you all enjoyed our annual fictitious news. For those of you that were "caught", we did give clues.... June 31st, Bill Kinash is (still) CCA prez, "colourful tents" etc.

The UCI has no plans to implement Electronic Personal Observation System (E.P.O.S.).

Ed Arzouian has not been hired by the CCA.

At this time there is still no resolution to the current 24 hour controversy. And no word whether the principals are interested in implementing our "suggestion".

We did receive a dozen orders for bobblehead dolls.. Hmmm maybe it is worth looking into!

At this time Bicycle Canada has NO PLANS to publish Yo Dude. But you have to admit, the two characters models on the cover are "cool dudes".

April Fool


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