Canadian Cyclist


April 5/04 4:30 am - Harnett to CCA, Vives at Paris-Roubaix, Track Coach Clinic, Womens Clinic, US News

Posted by Editor on 04/5/04

Curt Harnett CCA HP Chair
Courtesy CCA

April 5, 2004 - The CCA is pleased to announce that Curt Harnett has been appointed as the new Chair for the High Performance Committee. Harnett will serve on an interim basis until the next Board of Directors meeting which will take place later in the year.

Curt is one of the most recognizable faces of cycling in Canada and he is a true advocate and voice for the sport. The HPC mandate is to guide the planning, evaluation and establishment of standards for national team programs. The HPC sets the strategy for the national team program in the context of the overall CCA strategic plan, sets selection standards for key national team projects and provides professional development opportunities for CCA coaches within the national team program.

Harnett previously sat on the HPC as athlete representative from 1996 through 2001 and expressed that he is once again excited to be a part of the Canadian Cycling Association. "I am excited to be back! This year, the High Performance Committee will make decisions that have significant impact. As its Chair, I am committed to provide the leadership that ensures the decision-making process is fair, clear and objective. It is a responsibility that I take very seriously."

(Ed. Note: Harnett takes over from Kris westwood, who stepped down after taking the Development Coach position at the CCA)

Curt Harnett de Retour a l'ACC

Le 5 avril 2004 - L'Association Cycliste Canadienne est heureuse d'annoncer que Curt Harnett a été nommé président du Comité haute performance (CHP). Curt présidera sur une base intermédiaire jusqu'à la prochaine réunion du Conseil administratif qui aura lieu plus tard cette année.

Curt est l'une des personnalités les plus reconnues dans le cyclisme au Canada et il est un vrai supporteur et avocat de notre sport. Le mandat du CHP est de guidé la planification, l'évaluation et l'établissement de standards pour les programmes de l'équipe nationale. Le CHP crée la stratégie de l'équipe nationale dans le contexte du plan général stratégique de l'ACC, crée les standards de sélection pour les projets clés de l'équipe nationale, et soutient des opportunités de développement professionnel pour les entraîneurs de l'ACC à l'intérieur du programme de l'équipe nationale.

Préalablement, Harnett a servit en tant que représentatif des athlètes sur le CHP de 1996 à 2001 et il exprime être excité de faire à nouveau partie de l'ACC. " Je suis excité d'être de retour!! Cette année, le Comité haute performance prendra des décisions qui auront des impacts significatifs. Comme président, je me suis engagé à fournir le leadership qui assurera que le processus de décision soit juste, clair et objectif. C'est une responsabilité que je prend très sérieusement. "

Vives to Race Paris-Roubaix Junior Event
Courtesy Jean-François Racine

Vives, a member of the SG/Espoirs de Laval team, will race this weekend in the junior edition of the Paris-Roubaix - Course Le Pavé de Roubaix. The 108 kilometre race will include 27 kilometres of pavé and feature the traditional velodrome finish in Roubaix. Vives will ride for a local Belgian team in the race.

Montréal, 5 avril 2004

Charly Vives, un jeune cycliste montréalais de 18 ans, membre de l'équipe SG/Espoirs de Laval, participera dimanche prochain le 11 avril 2004 à la 2e édition de la Course Le Pavé de Roubaix. Il portera les couleurs d'une équipe belge pour l'occasion.

Cette course internationale, de catégorie junior, sert de prologue à la Classique Paris-Roubaix, mondialement connue, qui sera courue le même jour. L'arrivée de l'épreuve de 108 km, dont 27 km de pavés, est prévue sur le vélodrome de Roubaix, exactement comme les pros.

Charly Vives est membre de l'équipe du Québec de cyclisme sur route. Après d'excellents résultats la saison dernière, il entend bien poursuivre son ascension afin de se tailler une place sur l'équipe nationale le plus rapidement possible.

Level 1 Track Coaching Course
Courtesy Houshang Amiri

The Level One NCCP Technical Track Course is rescheduled for April 17-18.

In order to run a track training camp, learn to ride and learn to race clinics or working with any calibre athletes at the track, it is necessary to obtain a minimum certification specific to the track.

April 17 9:00am - 5:00pm PacificSport board room
April 18 9:00am - 5:00pm June de Fuca Velodrome

Instructor: Houshang Amiri
Cost: $150
Registration: Cycling BC
Contact: / (604) 737-3137
6 Participant Minimum
Note: some courses require prerequisites.

Ontario Women's Clinics
Courtesy Julie Kent

Waterloo Cycling Club is once again offering a dynamic, comprehensive and utterly rewarding clinic for all levels of road cyclists and mountain bikers this coming month.

We have a poster on the web site that links interested women to the clinics. I am coordinating the event and am looking forward to an amazing program and enthusiastic participants.

Leigh Hobson (2004 Cervelo Team Member) is leading the road clinic and Tracey Buckley is a constant for our mountain bike session.

U.S. Mountain Bikers Continue to Chase UCI Points
Courtesy USA Cycling

Colorado Springs, Colo. (April 5, 2004) - The chase for a nomination to the 2004 U.S. Olympic Mountain Bike Team continued this past weekend as a handful of America's top hopefuls competed in Europe in search of UCI points vital to Olympic selection.

On Saturday, Mary McConneloug (Fairfax, Calif.) won the Giant GP Istria, an E1 classified UCI event in Croatia, ahead of runner-up, Shonny Vanlandingham (Durango, Colo.) and third place finisher, Alison Dunlap (Colorado Springs, Colo.). McConneloug completed the 27 kilometer race in a time of 1:31:44, besting Vanlandingham by just over a minute and Dunlap by nearly seven minutes.

Since USA Cycling's primary selection criteria for a spot in Athens, a top-three finish at the 2003 Mountain Bike World Championships, went unfulfilled, several of the nation's top women are engaged in an intense competition to satisfy the second selection procedure and the one likely to result in an Olympic nomination. That procedure will give the nod to the highest ranked American in the UCI standings, a distinction currently held by Sue Haywood (Davis, W.V.). Riders like Dunlap, McConneloug, and Vanlandingham have performed strongly throughout the early part of the season and are all candidates for that coveted spot on the U.S. Olympic Team.

Saturday's race in Croatia gave McConneloug an additional 40 UCI points while Vanlandingham grabbed 35 and Dunlap took home 30.

On Sunday, Dunlap and Vanlandingham made the overnight trip north to Austria for the Kamptal-Klassic Trophy, another UCI E1 event. This time Dunlap placed second behind winner, Barbel Jungmeier (AUT), taking home 35 UCI points while her Luna teammate Vanlandingham took fourth behind Austrian, Petra Schorkmayer on her way to 26 points.

In men's competition, Todd Wells (Durango, Colo.) placed 14th in the Kamptal-Klassik Trophy. Wells is also in a battle for an Olympic nomination with Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (Boulder, Colo.) and Jeremiah Bishop (Harrisonburg, Va.).

Giant GP Istria (E1) - Croatia
1. Mary McConneloug (USA)
2. Shonny Vanlandingham (USA)
3. Alison Dunlap (USA)

Kamptal-Klassik-Trophy (E1) - Austria
1. Barbel Jungmeier (AUT)
2. Alison Dunlap (USA)
3. Petra Schorkmayer (AUT)
4. Shonny Vanlandingham (USA)

1. Christoph Soukup (AUT)
2. Johann Pallhuber (ITA)
3. Jorg Scheiderbauer (AUT)
14. Todd Wells (USA)
45. Frank Mapel (USA)


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