Canadian Cyclist


April 16/04 5:19 am - No Midweek Crit April 21st, ational Capital Region Cycling Bursary, Pro Walk/Pro Bike Conference in Victoria

Posted by Editoress on 04/16/04

April 21st The Harris + Harris Midweek Criterium cancelled
Courtesy Peter McCaffery

The Harris + Harris Midweek Criterium scheduled for April 21st. has been cancelled due to the Mississauga Ice Dogs 2nd round playoff game #3. The series will resume on April 28th. with a handicap criterium starting at 7pm.
Peter McCaffery, Midweek Cycling Club

5th Annual National Capital Region Bursary
Courtesy Ross Knight

Seenite Sports is proud to announce the recipients of the 5th annual National Capital Region cycling bursary. Since its conception in 2000 the NCR bursary has provided a total of $7100 in funding distributed to 10 athletes. For 2004, the bursary was expanded beyond the normal espoir age restriction to include athletes that displayed both outstanding athletic ability and the desire to achieve greater goals. The new affiliation / partnership with the OCA has also enabled us to expand the bursary amounts for this program and we look forward to continuing this relationship in the years to come.

This years recipients are:
Glen Rendall - Senior, track and road ($1000),
Jean-Sebastien Perron - Espoir, mountain bike ($1000)
Robert Gustavsson - Junior, road ($400 + $400 gift certificate)

The 2004 sponsor list has also been expanded and includes:
Ontario Cycling Association
Ottawa Bicycle Club
Seenite Sports
Cycle Logik
Full Cycle
Tour de France 50/50
Dr. Duane Smith (Westboro Chiropractic)
Anthony & Fiona Prior
Numerous individuals

We would like to thank all sponsors for thier generous contributions that enable these athletes to compete at events beyond those restricted by often
limited finances. Further information about the bursary is available at Seenite Sports Website

Doctor Links Health to Community Design at Pro Walk - Pro Bike conference in Victoria
Capital Bike and Walk Society

Canadian MD to Present at Walking and Cycling conference

Dr. Andrew Pipe, a leading voice for active living in Canada will appear at September's Pro Walk/Pro Bike conference in Victoria says John Luton, Executive Director of the Capital Bike and Walk Society and chair of the local host committee.

Dr. Pipe works at the Ottawa Heart Institute and is member of the College of Family Physicians. His presentation on "Sustainable Communities - Why it's Good for Health" makes the case for designing cities to encourage more cycling and walking to meet environmental and health challenges.

His appearance at the conference is sponsored by the Sport Secretariat of the provincial Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development and the Ministry of Health Services. The sponsorship will also support Canadian and BC content at the conference and help bring delegates from regions of the province where active lifestyles are being promoted as a strategy to promote health. Heightened awareness of the links between sedentary lifestyles and health problems is generating broad interest in the conference. Research is showing that inactivity equals tobacco as a health threat.

Luton says he is encouraged by the support. "The province recognizes that health care begins with preventive strategies that promote active lifestyles", said Luton. "Pro Walk/Pro Bike is all about re-designing our cities to help people choose cycling and walking."

The conference theme " Creating Active Communities" will focus on making the link between community design and health. Organized by the National Center for Bicycling and Walking in Washington, DC, the conference is expected to bring as many as 700 delegates to Victoria's Conference Centre from September 7th to 10th.

A complete program is being assembled from the 300 proposals for presentations organizers have received for the event. It's a record number of submissions for the conference, which has been held every second year since 1980. The only other time Pro Bike visited Canada was in 1992 when delegates gathered in Montreal.

Canadian content will be a significant feature of the conference as more than 40 organizations from across Canada have submitted proposals. Submissions have come from the Mayor of Sherbrooke, Quebec, from the cities of Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto and others, from local voices like Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, and Saanich Councillor David Cubberley. Other proposals come from the health care sector, non-profit community organizations and private sector engineering and consulting firms who have been working on new strategies to support cycling and walking. Proposals have come from across the U.S., Australia, the U.K. and from as far away as Nigeria.

Dr. Pipe is a member of the Order of Canada and has also served with Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada and is founding Chair of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. He has presented to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and is proposed as a keynote speaker at the Pro Walk/Pro Bike conference. He will also visit Vancouver for a presentation organized by the Better Environmentally Sound Transportation Society.

Pro Walk/Pro Bike is North America's largest cycling and walking conference and is attended by planners, engineers, law enforcement officials, health care stakeholders, community leaders and advocates from around North American and elsewhere in the world.


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