Canadian Cyclist


April 19/04 7:50 am - Wayne Goss Wins the Third Annual Ultimate Freeride Challenge!

Posted by Editoress on 04/19/04

Wayne Goss Wins the Third Annual Ultimate Freeride Challenge!
Courtesy Race Face

Race Face Performance Products, along with Giant Bicycles and Manitou Suspension is proud to announce that Wayne Goss has won the third annual Race Face Ultimate Freeride Challenge!

A 19 year old from BC's interior, Wayne secured 55% of the 6320 votes to beat out Santa Barbara's Carlin Dunne and take the UFC III title. In doing so, Wayne has secured a sponsorship deal with Race Face, Giant and Manitou worth over US$25,000!

"I'm really excited to have Wayne on the team" says Race Face's Marshall Rutman "I was able to spend a lot of time with him at the Sea Otter Classic and I'm really impressed with the integrity of his character and the maturity he's shown throughout this whole process. This contest puts a lot of stress on its competitors and it was great to see how well both Wayne and Carlin handled themselves. I think both these guys are going to do really well over the next few years. I can't wait to see it all unfold."

"I'd also like to thank our online community, once again, for their participation in the contest." Continues Rutman. "We really value our fan club and their involvement in the UFC. They've done an incredible job, picking our winner three years in a row - this time, they did it in record numbers. The UFC website handled well over a terabyte of traffic, with almost 6000 voters each week. I just want to express my appreciation to these folks for taking the time to view the vids week after week and more importantly, for making their voice heard. I think they did a great job."

With his UFC victory, Wayne's riding future has been secured for the next couple of years. Meanwhile, runner up Carlin Dunne's future looks equally bright. His success in the competition has garnered huge interest from the industry and he is currently entertaining sponsorship offers from various companies, looking to associate themselves with this highly skilled hucker.
Now that the UFC has come to an end, both Wayne and Carlin are back at home, preparing for a busy summer. Wayne will be spending most of his time in Smithers, BC, while Carlin is hoping to spend his summer in Canada's mountain biking mecca - Whistler. There's no doubt you'll be seeing both of these boys gracing the pages of your favourite bike mags and featured in upcoming film projects in the years to come.


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