Canadian Cyclist


May 19/04 9:24 am - Online Registration, Track Worlds, Cycle for Hope, Ontario MTB Champs, Canadian Tandem, l'Aude

Posted by Editor on 05/19/04

Niagara Classic Registration Reminder

Registration for the Niagara Classic Stage Race at the pre-reg rate ($84 and and $63 depending on category) will end today at 6:00 pm EDT. Registration will be available for a further 24 hours with a late fee included - $115 and $90. On Thursday (May 20th) at 6:00 pm EDT, registration for the Stage Race will close. There will be no further registration possible for this event (including day-of), so that the organizers have time to produce a start list for the first stage time trial. The start list will be published on the organizer's website and Canadian Cyclist by Friday evening.

Registration for the two individual stages (Road Race and Criterium) will cost $42 and $32 until 6:00 pm EDT today. The rates will increase to $60 and $50 after that until Thursday at 6:00 pm EDT. At that time online registration for the individual races will end. Day-of registration for these events will be allowed (subject to field limits).

For the Gears Racing Canada Cup, the price goes up by $10 for all events and categories after May 30th.

To register for either event, click on the button on the left side of your browser window.

We have also noticed a number of people are having trouble submitting their registration. In almost every case, the problem is that their browser is not set to accept cookies. Because you are entering a secure site, which builds a profile of your entry into a database, you must accept cookies. If you continue to have problems with registering, you can call us at 1-519-442-7905, between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm EDT.

Three Canadians Qualify for Track Worlds
Courtesy CCA

May 19, 2004 - Following the conclusion of the fourth Track World Cup in Sydney this past weekend, UCI has confirmed that Canada has qualified in five events for the Track World Championships. Based on performances at all four of the World Cup events, Canada has earned a berth in the following events:

Men's Scratch Race

Women's Sprint

Women's 500m TT

Women's Scratch Race

Women's Points Race

The CCA is pleased to announce the following athletes will be participating at the Track World Championships, to be held in Melbourne, AUS from May 26-30:

Martin Gilbert, Chateauguay, QC - Men's Scratch Race
Lori-Ann Muenzer, Edmonton, AB - Women's Sprint, Women's 500m TT
Mandy Poitras, Langley, BC - Women's Scratch Race and Points Race

National Team Coach Eric van Den Eynde will be with the team in Melbourne.

Young Canadian Cycles for Hope

Jordan Axani, a 17-year-old cyclist from Mansfield, Ontario, is cycling from Vancouver to the East coast this summer to support the Stephen Lewis Foundation's efforts in Africa to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Jordan will begin his 6000 km trek in late June and plans to reach the East coast before Labour Day.

"I believe Canada's humanitarian reputation is at stake in underdeveloped countries," explains Jordan. "It's up to all of us to do what we can to stop the suffering. What can I do? I can ride."

Jordan, supported by his family and friends, who helped him prepare physically and mentally for the challenge. Sponsors, and personal fund-raising will help defray expenses: replacement parts, food, accommodation, and fuel for the following vehicle.

Donations collected during the ride will go directly to the Stephen Lewis Foundation ( Already other cyclists have committed to ride with Jordan for some of the distance.

"Let's show the world that Canada still cares," exhorts Jordan.

Contact Information:


Ontario High School Mountain Bike Championships

A reminder for all High School cycling enthusiasts that the Ontario High School Mountain Bike Championships presented by Louis Garneau takes place this Friday May 21st at Hardwood Hills, Barrie. Races are broken into age groups of Midget, Junior, Senior, and we also offer a category for Elementary aged riders. Team points are calculated for each school in age groups (for teams of four), and overall school points. Medals are also awarded to Top 10 in each age category.

This year there will also be a Team Relay event after the individual races.

Early entry closes May 20 at 5:00 pm, and there is also day-of entry available.

For full information see

Canadian Tandem Team in Europe
Courtesy Luc Arsenault

Just a little note from Belgium to report on our first few days overseas. The trip initially brought us to the little town of Amilly (Commune de Montargie) about 1h30 south of Paris. For them (organisers), it was a first event in this region... and they pulled it with a lot of class! 113 participants, one of the highest number in France in the past years for a handisport cycling events.

As usual, the Canadians were very well taken care of by our "cousins français". We were lodged in a very nice bed and breakfast where we had access to everything necessary (very important aspect when travelling overseas).... Except, of course, a well functioning phone!

We started the first stage in a very strong way with both of our tandems making it in the first cut after one single (and very fast) lap. After seeing the European Champions (Donval and Bizet) in a breakaway for approximately 3 laps (at a stable 20-25 seconds), it was time to get to work. This created a split in the top guys leaving Stéphane Côté and P.O. Boily in the first 4 and Brian Cowie and Murrray Solem in the second (main) group. On this fast flat technical course, the selection was made and we had to wait the final sprint. With about 300 m to go, P.O. and Stéphane opened up a gap to cross the finish line with a 2 second lead to win the first stage. 2:15 seconds later, it was the turn of Brian and Marry to settle the pack sprint, also by 2 seconds. A good day in perspective, the victory and the field sprint!

The table was now set for the second day time trial with 4 teams fighting for the top podium spot and 5 fighting for 5th place. The 13km course was very technical with many corners. Côté and Boily had the advantage to be the last ones to leave and opened up a 4 second lead in the first 3 kms over their 3 main rivals. A lead they never let go, with the exception of one team who beat the them by 9 seconds at the finish (that team was more then 6 minutes back on the GC though), to win the GC by 6 seconds over the European Champions. Cowie and Solem also had a strong performance with a solid 6th place in the TT as well as in the final GC.

The trip starts on a very strong note for our guys, who, let's be honest, are still tired from the flight and the time change (I don't think Brian managed to line up more then 3 straight hours of sleep yet!). Today (Monday), we travelled to Belgium (Westerlo) for this week's Tour of Belgium. This 4 stages (plus prologue) opens up on Thursday and will combine 41 of the top tandems in the world. We took it a little easy and took some time to stop and visit the famous Roubaix Velodrome (famous finish line of the Hell of the North race).

Lyne Bessette a bien tenté de s'enfuir

Montréal, 18 mai 2004 (Sportcom) - L'étape de mardi au Tour de l'Aude, en France, n'a pas influencé le classement général de l'épreuve, alors que 55 coureuses ont terminé avec le même temps que la gagnante, la Néerlandaise Ghita Beltman, soit 3:13:08 heures. La coureuse de l'équipe @Home cycling a été la première à franchir la ligne d'arrivée de l'épreuve de 120 km, qui avait pour point de départ et d'arrivée la ville de Castelnaudary.

La Québécoise Lyne Bessette, qui porte les couleurs de l'équipe nationale canadienne pour l'occasion, était de ce peloton de 55 coureuses et a terminé au 40e rang de l'épreuve. Elle n'a toutefois pas perdu de terrain au classement général. La cycliste de Knowlton, en Estrie, demeure à 2:14 minutes de la meneuse, l'Allemande Trixi Worrack (Nürberger).

Même si le résultat de la course ne l'indique pas, Bessette a bien tenté de faire basculer les choses au classement général. Dans la descente suivant le premier Grand prix de la montagne, Bessette s'est échappée, entraînant avec elle Edwige Pitel, de l'équipe nationale française. Les deux coureuses ont réussi à creuser un écart considérable, forçant les représentantes de l'équipe Nürberger à les prendre en chasse.

Cela a pris tous les efforts de ces dernières, ainsi que ceux de quelques membres de l'équipe nationale allemande, pour rattraper les deux fugitives. Bessette et Pitel ont finalement été rejointes dans le dernier kilomètre.

L'étape de mercredi, un contre-la-montre individuel de 31,5 km, pourrait s'avérer déterminante au classement général, alors que les coureuses tenteront d'inscrire le meilleur temps possible et ainsi réduire l'écart qui les sépare de Worrack.

New Addition to the Fisher Family

Miles Fin Fisher was born last Friday to mountain bike pioneer Gary Fisher and his wife.


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