Canadian Cyclist


May 20/04 11:22 am - Ontario High School Mountain Bike Championships, Regina Cycle Club Tuesday Night Race Series

Posted by Editoress on 05/20/04

Ontario High School Mountain Bike Championships presented by Louis Garneau
CourtesyHardwood Hills

A reminder for all High School cycling enthusiasts that the Ontario Championships takes place this Friday May 21st at Hardwood Hills, Barrie. Races are broken into age groups of Midget, Junior, Senior, and we also offer a category for Elementary aged riders. Team points are calculated for each school in age groups (for teams of four), and overall school points. Medals are also awarded to Top 10 in each age category.

This year there will also be a Team Relay event after the individual races.

Early entry closes May 20 at 5:00 pm, and there is also day-of entry available.

For full information see

Regina Cycle Club's RCC Tuesday Night Race Series (3 Hill Challenge)
Courtesy RCC

Results for Tuesday May 18, 2004

We enjoyed a "celebrity" racing with us tonight. Mark Knoll had just returned from Holland where he was racing on a Division 3 team. Just looking at him you see the fitness. Mark is a very accomplished Speed Skater and it was great to see him out.

1. Rob Britton, 1:23:05
2. Mark Knoll, 1:23:07
3. Brad Kerr, 1:28:07
4. Jason Grundahl, 1:28:09
5. Ryan Leibel, 1:28:28
6. Jason Dunford, 1:28:55
7. Mike Powell, 1:28:55
8. Doug MacKenzie, 1:31:37
9. Sean Gabora, 1:31:48
10. Adele Grundahl, 1:32:16
11. Jason Christbason, 1:32:38
12. Phil Anderson, 1:34:38
13. Sean Kukura, 1:34:49
14. Bill Kinash, 1:38:10
15. Greg Dyck, 1:41:37
16. Chris Curry, 1:42:12
17. George Kokonas, 1:42:12
18. Kevin Woodard, 1:42:18
19. Lane Warsylewicz, 1:42:25
20. Knut Potthast, 1:43:51
21st Mark Hotz, 1:43:53
22nd Dave Bitschy, 1:45:45 (flat)
23. Tom Hamilton, 1:46:13
24. Enio Ricci, 1:48:13 (flat)
25. Carla Binning, 1:58:36
26. Jay VanGinneken 2:04:35

Alex (Exit C), 1:19:37
Yvonne Anderson (Exit C), 1:34:18
Susan Bladyko (Exit C), 1:34:18
Crystal Barlas (1 hill), 1:38:21
Cheryl Partridge (1 hill), 1:56:50
Dave Brooks (1 hill), 1:27:09

Timer: Ed Kinash
Starters: 32
Finishers: 27
Finishers short course: 6
DNFs: 0

Remember the RCC Stage Race June 5th & 6th Race see website for more information.


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