Canadian Cyclist


May 25/04 6:52 am - Bromont Canada Cup Photos, Shep Report from NORBA Big Bear

Posted by Editoress on 05/25/04

Bromont Canada Cup Photos

Joe Elliott has posted a whole wack of photos from last weekend's Canada Cup at Bromont on his WEBSITE. Riders can search by their race number and download for free.

The Shep Report

The next round of the NORBA series saw me get kidnapped by altitude. Breathing felt like I had my mouth taped shut with two McDonald's straws firmly rammed up my nasal passages. Great feeling so I took refuge (along with Dre and Max) to the comfortable, low altitude confines of Redlands. Of note - Aside from being wonderful hosts, Steve and Sharon's 120-year-old Victorian house was the scene of a murder decades ago. The deceased still walks the halls so they tell us! I never felt at ease during my two am trips to the bathroom. What a trip.

Day one was a new stage for the cross-country, set in that it was mostly a downhill time trial. Setup was key with some racers on big travel bikes and others wearing baggy clothing. After seeking image advice from styley and fast DHer April Lawyer, we agreed that I shouldn't wear chaps or jeans and that lycra would be plenty of protection against a fall at 50km hour. Warmed up in my rental van listening to Ride the Lightening while trying to beat Seamus' Redlands to Big Bear record drive time of 49 minutes. I did succeed in making Dre and Max carsick but his record still sticks. It didn't work as I pooched the first two-minute climb but was smooth as silk the rest of the way. I guess that means I was slow but hey I didn't lose flesh and ended up 10th. Tearing it up was Jimmi Mortinson followed by Trebron who was held up by truck that managed to sneak onto our course....ex-downhill rider Mark Weir came in third, followed by some other guy with Decker in 5th.

Cross country racing really hurt this weekend (not like it's ever easy) on a course with two hours of climbing and 24 minutes of descending. No complaints there, as the billy goat in me showed up but I did make a mistake in not pre-riding the descent. Holly, I sucked. Confidence isn't built on a deflated ego, cussing at squirrels or holding other racers up. Trebron took off from the ten-minute mark and soloed till the final descent where he flatted and rolled into 4th place. The chase was on for the entire race with Brown, Lowe, moi, Mortinson, Henry, and Decker. Decker had a mechanical while Lowe attacked me on the final ascent with Henry clinging to my dust. There was a big sprint between Brown and Lowe for the top of the podium with Brown out accelerating the former junior world champ. I stuck it out for third 1:50 back and managed to grow some bigger knads on the final descent. Now Haro doesn't have to invest in a set of training wheels for me. Jay Henry held off Jimi for fifth with both notching career bests.

OK, four days of up and down the mountain pretty much took its toll on all of us during our last ascent up the mountain. Short track day was standard fare other than my unorthodox version of a warm up. Managed to push and run two laps of the kid's race before hopping on my steed for the big event. Trebron, Lowe and I pinned it from the start in an effort to separate a group right away. Rowney, Brown, Hestler and Decker chased hard for two laps with Rowney bridging up as Trebron fell off the pace. Lowe was next down as I accelerated for a lap and a half while Rowney took the next pull (and took the $150 prime) thus creating a large gap. Continuing to chase were the likes of Dre and Max in a Rocky Mtn train who just missed catching Trebron at the end. With four to go I slashed my rear tire and lost 95% of my pressure. Rowney pulled away in the corners and held me off ... I pushed it as hard as I could go without becoming a part of the landscape keepingt Lowe and Brown at bay. Rounding out the podium was Trebron the Dre and Max. This was Paul "don't ask me about my age-I've had wrinkles since I was six mate" Rowney's first win after nine podes and many years. After racing the first two days with a bad case of tonsillitis Peter Wedge made a trip to emergency for his fifth round of antibiotics all for the good cause in attaining points. Only a maritimer.

Overall Brown, Lowe, Moi, Trebron, Henry and Mortinson with Dre in 12th and Max 14th I do believe. Next up is settling my nagging lung issue, some rest and then two weeks of training before West Virginia.



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