Canadian Cyclist


July 27/04 9:54 am - Festival de Velo Results

Posted by Editoress on 07/27/04

Festival de Velo

Results from Sunday's races

Senior & Master Women: 1 hour + 5 laps
1. Maogosha Pyjor (ANIM - RS2)
2. Anna Tratnyek ( - RS2)
3. Holland Gidney (MCMA - RS2)
4. Julia Farell (Team Biovail / Cervelo - RS1)
5. Heather Davidson (LANT - RS3)
6. Rebecca Nelson (MIDWEE - RS3)
7. Jaymie Mcgowan (MCMA - RS3)
8. Caroline Amyot (Waterloo CC / Flying Dogs - RS3)
9. Corinne Roos (LWC - RMW)
10. Carolyne Klein (Waterloo CC / Flying Dogs - RMW)
11. Carolyne Haill (MIDWEE - RMW)
12. Andrea Bacik (MISSIS - RMW)
13. Kate Archibald (MIDWEE - RS2)
14. Ireen Wieditz (MIDWEE - RS3)

Pro, Senior 1, 2 Men: 1.5 hrs + 10 laps
1. Andrew Randell (Jet Fuel Coffee - RS1)
2. Jason Valenti (MISSIS - RS2)
3. Dan Lefebvre ( - RS1)
4. Paul Rego (CC - RS1)
5. David Fry (MIDWEE - RS1)
6. Chris Atkins (MIDWEE - RS1)
7. Thorben Wieditz (Jet Fuel Coffee - RS1)
8. Ramon Mira De Orduna (STCATH - RS1)
9. Stan Ambis (TEAM SNOW VALLEY - RS1)
10. James Wadden (CAVE - RS2)
11. Michael Dennis ( - RS2)
12. Michael Moore ( - RS1)
13. Adam Wade (BSPF - RS2)
14. Trevor Koker (WATFLY - RS2)
15. Attila Hajdu (MISSIS - RS2)
16. Shaun Glass (MIDWEE - RS2)
17. Patrick Shea (KHS - RS2)
18. Bruce Krip (MIDWEE - RS1)
19. Josh Hall (Jet Fuel Coffee - RS1)
20. Eduardo Maset (PAVAN - RS2)
21. Andrew Macdonald (PAVAN - RS2)
22. Matthew Guse (WATFLY - RS2)
23. Kevin Speacht (CAVE - RS1)
24. Marc Precious (INDEP - RS2)
25. Kurt Schreiter (WATFLY - RS2)
DNF. Andrew Hickman (MISSIS - RS2)
DNF. Rob Hiscock (STCATH - RS2)
DNF. Tyler Holtzman ( - RS2)
DNF. Roy Zucchetto (PAVAN - RS2)
DNF. Robert Kinshaw (Preferred Care - RS2)
DNF. Neil Digman (WATFLY - RS2)
DNF. Axel Bergman (MISSIS - RS2)
DNF. Eric Stock (STCATH - RS2)
DNF. Andrew Wilson (MIDWEE - RS2)

Master A Men (30-39): 1 hr + 5 laps
1. Ed Makarchuk (KHS )
2. Christopher Paton (MISSIS )
3. David Woolley (Independent)
4. Chris Tirone (Independent)
5. Carlos Barros (KHS )
6. Eric Crudeli (BSPF )
7. Chris Wood (WATFLY )
8. John Holland (INDEP )
9. Derek Koops (MISSIS )
10. Chris Bartholomew (PRC )
11. Antonio Liokossis (CC )
12. Tim Blackwell (AZTE )
13. Glenn Cameron (KHS )
14. Gord Woolley (BSPF )
15. William Kowalczyk (CC )
16. Chris Kiziak (BSPF )
17. James Bongard (KHS )
18. Craig Vedova (CC )
19. Curtis Gloade (WATFLY )
20. Craig Mccarthy (STCATH )
21. Anthony Simpson (MISSIS )
22. Bobby Mrvelj (MISSIS )
23. Philip Moore (INDEP )
24. Michael Forsdike (CC )
25. Jeff Poulson (Independent)
DNF. Brian Priebe (WATFLY )
DNF. Kenneth Thomas (Independent)
DNF. Tom Gramegna (MISSIS )
DNF. Dave Johnston (WATFLY )
DNF. Zachary Steinman (WATFLY )
DNF. Robert Ireland (CC )
DNF. Eric Petersen (CC )
DNF. Mark Goveira
DNF. David Labancz (INDEP )
DNF. Claudio Buffone (MIDWEE )

Cadet Men: 1 hour + 5 laps
1. Kristopher Schmidt

Master BCD Men: 1 hour + 5 laps
1. Charlie Squires (WESTH - RMC)
2. Garnett Abbey (D'ORNE - RMB)
3. Malcolm Eade (D'ORNE - RMB)
4. Steve Toorongian (Independent - RMB)
5. Joseph Torchia (WESTH - RMB)
6. David Campbell (CYCOAK - RMB)
7. Aubrey Bryce (D'ORNE - RMC)
8. Julio Goncalvas (Independent - RMB)
9. Robert Szasz (FESTIV / Jet Fuel - RMB)
10. Brent Thomlison (WATFLY - RMB)
11. Bruce Camacho (D'ORNE - RMC)
12. Jim Davis (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMB)
13. Paul Dean (WESTH - RMB)
14. Alex Pond (MIDWEE - RMB)
15. Rob Cheskey (HAMIL - RMC)
16. Phill Vermette (JUVEN - RMB)
17. Stephen Ciazynski (STCATH - RMC)
18. Robert Nigel (Mississauga BRC - RMB)
19. Roy Andrio (Independent - RMB)
20. Leo St Germain (MISSIS - RMB)
21. John Parkinson (WATFLY - RMD)
22. Grant Strahl (NEWEAG - RMC)
23. Fred Pepper (WESTH - RMB)
24. Brian Zolper (D'ORNE - RMB)
DNF. Mike Armstrong (Independent - RMC)
DNF. Jeff Fielding (Waterloo CC / Flying Dogs - RMC)
DNF. Terry Spielvogel (Independent - RMB)
DNF. Kees Louws (Independent - RMB)
DNF. Jay Darch (CYCOAK - RMB)
DNF. Perry Gelaris (CC - RMB)
DNF. Fulvio Mark Cubello (BSPF - RMB)
DNF. Gary Scully (CYCOAK - RMB)
DNF. Chris Kiriakopoulos (HAMIL - RMB)
DNF. Stuart Connell (Waterloo CC / Flying Dogs - RMB)
DNF. Raymond Gubala (BICYC - RMB)
DNF. David Lee Shee (LABI - RMC)

Sr.3 & Junior Men: 1 hour + 5 laps
1. Rob Good (WATFLY - RS3)
2. Eric Robertson (WATFLY - JR)
3. Paul Telisman (INDEP - RS3)
4. Kevin Black (CAVE - RS3)
5. Shawn Cranwell (HAMIL - RS3)
6. Michael Amaral (MISSIS - RS3)
7. Danny Sonter (Independent - RS3)
8. Alex Bardelick (Independent - RS3)
9. Matthew Pyatt (WATFLY - RS3)
10. Richard Bell (MCMA - JR)
11. Paul Salvo (LANT - RS3)
12. Stefano Nella (INDEP - RS3)
13. Brian Cianzynski (Independent - RS3)
14. Patrick Tuite (MIDWEE - RS3)
15. Oliver Meyn (LANT - RS3)
16. Kenneth Thomas (INDEP - RS3)
17. Henry Dudko (INDEP - RS3)
18. Sergio Bolzon (Independent - RS3)
19. Jonathan Prosser (INDEP - JR)
20. Sean Maccormack (BRNCYP - JR)
DNF. Don Magie (INDEP - RS3)
DNF. Peter Fenwick (LANT - RS3)
DNF. Andrew Fell (WATFLY - RS3)
DNF. Rob Sidhu (INDEP - RS3)
DNF. Kelly Smith (LANT - RS3)

Novice: 20 mins. + 5 laps
1. Steve Holdith
2. Mike Kennedy
3. Stephen Swainson
4. Rob Zych
5. David Forest
6. Rob Day
7. Craig Macdonald
8. John Sitler
9. Nicholas Fischer


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