Canadian Cyclist


August 23/04 8:42 am - BC Criterium Championships

Posted by Editoress on 08/23/04

BC Criterium Championship
Courtesy Christa Barr

The 4th annual Lonsdale Classic Criterium Championship was on August 22nd under cloudy (but dry) skies. A total of 92 riders challenged each other through the roads of mid-Lonsdale on a brand new course for the title of B.C. Criterium Champion. The new course was very popular with a fast, tight bottom corner and a slightly uphill final sprint. Overall, the event was a huge success with over 200 spectators joining in on the excitement.

Team Coastal and the race organizers would like to thank the key sponsors IGA Marketplace, Riley Law and Futurelooks. Thanks also to all the local Lonsdale area businesses who supported the event and the volunteers who made it all possible.

Notice: Anyone who forgot to turn in their race number can bring & pick up their licence at the UBC Tuesday nighters

Senior Men
1. Brad Issel (Symmetrics Cycling)
2. Andrew Pinfold (Symmetrics Cycling)
3. Min Van Velzen (Symmetrics Cycling)
4. Scott Slater (Solo-Adobe)
5. Derek McMaster (Team Coastal / Workopolis)
6. Juan Pablo Araya (Costa Rican National)
7. Maurice Worsfold (Bayside)
8. Brad Slater (Solo-Adobe)
9. Mike Hunter (Brodie Bicycles)
10. Basse Clement (Solo / Adobe)
11. Guenette Jordan (Solo / Adobe)
12. Ian Lockley (Escape Velocity)
13. Philip Burgess (La Bicicletta)
14. Paul Blanchette (Solo-Adobe)
15. Sean Howie (Bayside)
16. Gordon Ross (Escape Velocity)
17. Marsh Cooper (Symmetrics Cycling)
18. Don Buscombe (Brodie Bicycles)
19. Eric Kamenka (Devo / Powerbar)
20. Shane Savage (Solo-Adobe)
21. Murray Solem (Schwalbe)
dnf. Matt Chater (Schwalbe Cycling)
dnf. Keith Thorarinson (Independent)

Senior Women
1. Marni Prazsky (Symmetrics Cycling)
2. Erinne Willock (Rona Cycling Team)
3. Maria Lee (Giant)
4. Emily Sandwith (Team Kappa)
5. Kristina Vaudry (Teen Speed)
6. Sara Laliberte (Schwalbe)
dnf. Alena Radomsky (Oak Bay)

Men U15
1. Cody Campbell (Soliton)

Men U17
1. Jefferey Castenmiller (Lactic Acid Racing NW Credit Union)
2. Nathan MacDonald (Independent)
3. Matthew Potma (Team North Shore Credit Union/Lactic Acid)
4. Trevor Bant (Team Sugoi/ Flash 5)
5. Graeme Bant (Team Sugoi/ Steed Cycles)
6. Justin Endresen (North Shore Credit Union )

Men U19
1. Jackson Buehler (dEVo/Powerbar)
2. Josh James (Trek VW)
3. Garth White (CVCC)
4. Fraser Hayes (TeenSpeed)
5. Rubin White (Teen Speed)
6. Andrew Greydanus (Teen Speed)

Women U13
1. Sierra Garrison (Dizzy Cycles)

Women U15
1. Alyssa Garrison (N.S. Credit Union/Lactic Acid )

Women U17
1. Rachel Canning (Independent)

Master 30-39
1. Mike Koski (Trek / Broadway Dental)
2. James Neil (Trek / Broadway Dental)
3. Cris LaBossiere (Woodcock)
dnf. David Jenkins (Independent)

Master 40-49
1. Horacio Chaves (Independent)
2. Maurizio Giraldi (Independent)
3. Otto Kamstra (Indep)
4. Dave Dunnison (Coastal)
5. Andy George (Indep)
6. Bill Riley (Coastal)
7. Peter Bant (Dizzy Cycles)

Master 50-59
1. David Kosick (Independent)

Master Women
1. Jocelyn Boon (John Henry)

Women Cat 4
1. Sherri Iwaschuk (On the Edge Bikes)
2. Sara Forsyth (Escape Velocity)
3. Danielle McLaughlin (Independent)
4. Kim Atkinson (Team Coastal)
5. Audrey Berg (Dizzy Chicks)
dnf. Andrea Scott (Steed Cycles)
dnf. Jenny Watson (Dizzy Chicks)
dnf. Lee Darling (Independent)

Cat 3
1. Duncan Steele (dEVo/Powerbar)
2. Jeff Ain (dEVo/Powerbar)
3. Brian Geerts (Phoenix Velo)
4. Chris Squire (Team Coastal)
5. Dana Williams (Independent)
6. Tom Birk (Steed Cycles)
7. Jim Kwasnicki (Coastal)
8. Dave Simard (Team Soliton)
dnf. Brian Storey (Escape Velocity)
dnf. David Dunnison (Team Coastal)
dnf. Brian Griffin (Indep)

Cat 4
1. Barry Bereziak (Symmetrics)
2. Joel Lemaire (Espoir Laval)
3. Sean Rice (Atomic Racing Club)
4. Al Gair (Coastal)
5. Ian Fingler (Ambleside/Krebs)
6. Bryan Kelly (Steed Cycles)
7. Dominic Walsh (Independent)
8. Mike Allina (Atomic)
9. Paul Craig (Natural Earth Racing)
10. Cris LaBossiere (Woodcock)
11. Stephen Fung (Coastal)


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