Canadian Cyclist


September 13/04 7:37 am - BC News: BVC AGM, Cyclo-cross Racing at Crescent Park, Victoria Cycling League Hill Climb, Blizzard Bike Club

Posted by Editoress on 09/13/04

Burnaby Velodrome Annual General Meeting
Courtesy Gordon Ross

BVC Annual General Meeting, will be held at Burnaby 8 Rinks in their banquet room (upstairs) on Tuesday Sept 14th at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

What: Burnaby Velodrome Annual General Meeting

Where: Burnaby 8 Rinks
Banquet Room
6501 Sprott Street
Burnaby, BC

When: Tuesday Sept 14th, 2004

This is the meeting where Directors are elected, the Membership fees are set, and the status of the club is discussed. Your attendance isn't just nice to have, it's a must have. And if we see you at the track on the next night (and not at the AGM on Tuesday) then you better have a good reason.

Bayside Cycling Club Cyclo-cross Schedule
Courtesy Bayside Cycling Club

The Bayside Cycling Club is proud to present, for the second year, cyclocross racing in Crescent Park. The dates for this year's races are: Sunday, October 3rd, 2004 and Sunday, October 17th, 2004.

We are proud to present adidas as the title sponsor for this year's races. Generous support from all our sponsors will help to ensure that the races are a success. New this year, is a separate junior category with a reduced $10 entry fee.

Crescent Park is close to both Vancouver and Washington State so the organizers hope that the races will attract a mix of Canadian and American riders.

Race Details

Location: Crescent Park in South Surrey, BC. (30 min. From Vancouver & 10 min. From US border)

Course Description: Fast, rolling course, mostly on hard-packed gravel trails, with a road section, one run-up and a short section of singletrack to complete the mix!

Entry Fee: $10/Juniors & $20/All other categories - Per race ˆ One-day licenses available ˆ Sign-on starts at 9AM


9:30 AM ˆ Juniors (30 mins.)

10:05 AM - Women & Men B (40 mins.)

10:50 AM ˆ Men A (50 mins.)

Driving Instructions:

From Vancouver, take Hwy. 99 southbound, turn off at Exit 10 (Direction White Rock/Crescent Beach), take the ramp towards Crescent Beach, turn right at Crescent Rd., turn left onto 129 St. toward the park and continue to the parking lot.

From the US, take Hwy. 99 northbound and turn off at Exit 10. From the off ramp, turn left on King George Hwy., turn right onto Crescent Rd. after two sets of lights and follow the instructions above.

*** Mountain bikes are welcome! ***


Victoria Cycling League - Neild Road Hill Climb September 12th
Courtesy John C. Errington

1. Daniel Goncalves,7:52:02
2. Kevin Morrison, 8:06:57
3. Bob Cameron, 8:18:50
4. Bruce Schlatter, 8:28:22
5. Keith Milne, 8:29:96
6. Leithen M‚Gonigle, 8:32:65
7. Matt Pucsek, 8:48:02
8. Matt O‚Hagan, 8:48:37
9. Brett Boniface, 8:55:89
10. Steve Lund, 9:03:08
11. David McKinney, 9:05:62
12. Murray Drew, 9:17:40
13. Robin Gwynne, 9:33:61
14. Jeff Clarkson, 9:34:62
15. Heidi Morrison, 10:13:59
16. Vaughn Marshall, 10:49:13
17. Emily Sandwith, 11:47:74

Blizzard Bike Club News

Thurs sep 9th, MTB time trial

Recent weather transformed the normally rough trail into a muddy and wet obstacle course, with trees down throughout the trail. Only 2 riders braved the rain and cold temperatures, for the second mountain bike time trial of the season.

1. Scott Shaw-MacLaren 28:28
2. Adam Currie 38:13


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