Canadian Cyclist


November 5/04 9:00 am - BC `Cross, Frontrunners Party, More Halloween `Cross Photos, Sting Ray Bicycle Helps Dorel to Record Quarter

Posted by Editoress on 11/5/04

Last Chance for Cyclocross in B.C. - Island Championships `Cross Race Nanaimo, B.C. November 13th.
Courtesy Normon Thibault, Frontrunners Club

We are not sure if Vancouver Island has ever had a "legal" `Cross race but for certain it has been a while. With a great deal of help from Frontrunners, Cycling B.C., Nanaimo Parks and Rec and Nanaimo BMX we have been given the green light to hold our first "official" race at Beban Park on November 13th. This is a Club race, open to members of our club ($10), other clubs ($10), cycling B.C. members ($10). For anyone else that is not licenced this year and is not an associated member of cycling B.C. ($15). This race is definately CASUAL but COMPETITIVE. The course start and registration witll be at the Grandview Bowl at Beban Park. You can find maps to the track under look under information and then maps. We will be close to the dog park.

Mountainbikes are totally welcome in both races.

Schedule (Approx. schedule. Remember this is a "Club" race not the World Champs!)

2:30 Beginner Clinic with Wendy Simms and potentially another "expert" rider. Wendy will take any or all beginners out for a lap of the course to explain different sections of the course, what to expect and what to do. There is nothing on this course that should instanty put fear into anyone that is OK on their bike. This pre-ride/clinic is designed to make you feel comfortable for the beginner race.

3:00 Beginner Race: This race is open to 1st timers only. Mountainbikes or cross bikes are welcome. The race will be about 30 minutes.

3:30 Non Beginner Race: This race is for anyone that has raced Cyclocross before or wants a more competitive/longer race than the beginner one. Race will be about 45-50 minutes for the winner. We will finish before sundown.

Winners Drink for FREE at the Frontrunners Party that night.

Volunteers: We will need about 10 volunteers for the course. If you can help out for 1hr and 15 minutes or a portion of please let me know.

If you want any more information on this event please feel free to e-mail me at

The race course is within riding distance of the Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay Ferry terminal. About a 15 minute ride to the race and 10 minutes back to the ferry at cruising speed. You would have to catch the 12:30 departure at the latest to make the race.

There is a hotel room special available at the Howard Johnston Hotel in Nanaimo for those of you that are staying over for the Frontrunners Party. If you need details on the party below or the hotel special please feel free to e-mail me.

We are hoping to make this event an annual event it we get enough interest.

6th Annual Frontrunners Party

This party is open to: friends of Frontrunners, friends of friends of Frontrunners, C-X race participants, ROC, Strathcona, Bastion and anyone else that likes Frontrunners. With the 11th a holiday (Thetis Lake Relays) you should probably book the 12th off as well and make an extra long weekend out of it.

Party is at 7:00 (doors open)until about 12ish. We will have the TASAKA brothers spinning tunes to talk to then tunes to rock to all night! Beer (140 liters) cup $$ money ($10) going towards a number of Team Frontrunners causes. Food. Silent auction (Thanks to Sugoi, NB, Nike, HH and others...). Our annual sports awards. Cross race awards. Scooter races. Most important of all and beyond anything else; a great chance to see a lot of your friends! No need to RSVP.

The Iron Duke Halloween `Cross - Southern Ontario Cyclo-Cross #5 Kelso Conservation Area, October 31st

More Photos by Chris Redden

Dorel Posts Record Quarter Profit

Dorel Industries, a Montreal based conglomerate who recently aquired Pacific Cycle (GT, Schwinn, Mongoose, Murray), posted a third quarter record profit. Revenues
increased 43.5%, reaching US$428.2 million compared to US$298.5 million last year.

President and CEO, Martin Schwartz said „We have concentrated heavily on exciting new product introductions and low cost production, producing our best quarter ever. Margins have improved across many of our product lines although the continuing rise in resin prices has kept margins from being even higher. The Sting Ray bicycle has continued to perform beyond expectations and many retailers have predicted that it will be one of this year‚s hottest Christmas gift items."


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