Canadian Cyclist


November 10/04 8:07 am - ABA to Host Annual Organizer's Conference, CC Corrected, Campaign Launched to Fight Ontario's (Proposed) Helmet Law

Posted by Editoress on 11/10/04

Alberta Bicycle Association Hosts Annual Organizer's Conference
Courtesy Kevin "Goat" MacCuish, ABA Events Coordinator

Alberta Cycling Clubs, Bike Shops or any other person or group interested in organizing a Bicycle Race in Alberta are invited to the 2004 Alberta Bicycle Association Race Organizers' Conference, to be held in Red Deer Saturday, November 27, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

The purpose of the Organizers' Conference is to plan event dates for the 2005 season, and review and discuss any policy changes recently made, or under consideration. Specific topics include:

• Introduction of the new, re-worked Organizer's Guide for Road, Track and Mountain Bike Organizers
• Review of changes to regulations for all disciplines
• Review of provincial championship events and policy

Race Organizers are reminded that completed 2005 Race Application Forms and Race Deposits are due at the meeting in order for your event to be placed on the Calendar.

BMX Track Operators are welcome to attend, though a Track Operator's conference will be organized early in the new year in order to discuss BMX policy for the 2005 season.

Additional agenda topics are most certainly welcome, and may be submitted to Kevin MacCuish ( Please take advantage of this opportunity to share ideas amongst fellow organizers, and have your voice heard.

Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Kevin. (

We Stand Corrected

In the story about `Cross nationals in Dieppe, the CC editor stated "It looks like Dieppe will be putting in a bid for the 2006 Track Nationals. If they get them, we believe it will make the city the first in Canada to have held national championships in three disciplines - Road (2001), 'Cross and Track. (The Quebec City region comes close, with Road, Mountain and 'Cross, but they were spread around different towns, and a number have held Nationals in two disciplines)."

Shauna Richard, ED of the ABA corrected us with the following information!

Edmonton has hosted Nationals in three different disciplines:
Road - 1994
Cyclo - Cross - 2001
Track - 2002

Thanks Shauna!

Campaign Launched to Fight Ontario's Helmet Law
Courtesy Avery Burdett

A campaign to oppose Ontario's proposed helmet law has been launched by the quickly re-formed Ontario Coalition for Better Cycling, the umbrella organization that campaigned against the first law in the 1990's. It's campaign resulted in the Harris government exempting adults form the law approved by the Rae government. The proposal to include adults has now returned, apparently without any consultation with organizations representing Ontario's cyclists (e.g. OCA, Velo Ontario).

Visit for further details.


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