Canadian Cyclist


November 22/04 10:15 am - CCES News, Birthdays

Posted by Editoress on 11/22/04


The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport gathers news and information from around the world that is of interest to the sports community, which we occasionally reproduce:

OTTAWA (CP) - Health Canada is warning consumers not to use Blue Cap Shampoo and Blue Cap Spray because the shampoo contains betamethasone, a topical corticosteroid (steroid). The spray may contain a similar substance.

Neither chemical is noted on the product labels and Blue Cap products have not been approved for sale in Canada.

Betamethasone may only be obtained by prescription. Use of betamethasone should be monitored by a physician.

Corticosteroids, such as betamethasone, applied to the skin can cause thinning of the skin that can lead to permanent scarring, secondary infections, signs of Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria.

Blue Cap Shampoo and Blue Cap Spray are manufactured by Catalysis in Spain and distributed by Catalysis Products of Canada.

Promotional material available on the Internet indicated that Blue Cap Shampoo treats dandruff and seborrhea. The shampoo is packaged in 150-millilitre bottles.

Blue Cap Spray is promoted for daily hygiene for those affected by skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and eczema. The spray is packaged in 100-millititre aerosol containers.

Health Canada believes consumers may have purchased Blue Cap products over the Internet, but that the products were not widely available
through traditional retail sources.

The Canadian distributor has removed all Blue Cap products from the Canadian market. In addition, the website which was previously selling Blue Cap products is no longer operating.

Health Canada has issued an alert at customs for Catalysis Products of Canada to prevent importation of Blue Cap products.

Health Canada recommends those using Blue Cap products contact their doctor before stopping.

Happy Birthday to....... Eoron Chorney celebrating today and Josh Hall celebrating tomorrow.


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