Canadian Cyclist


December 23/04 1:30 am - Velodrome London Signs Corporate Partner, NCCP Level 3 Technical Cycling Course at PacificSport

Posted by Editoress on 12/23/04

Velodrome London Signs Corporate Partner

We would like to welcome Casco Ltd as a Corporate Partner in the project to bring an indoor velodrome to London.

Casco LTD, with a division in London, was founded in 1858 as a manufacturer of corn starches to serve the textile industry. Today Casco is Canada's principle producer of corn-derived products. From Glucose, Fructose corn syrups to Maltdextrins which is used in sports beverages like Gatorade.

Their Logo will be prominently placed on the boards of the velodrome once work begins. We believe that the size of the logo will be approximately 12' x 8', Visible from all areas of the building.

With the Fundraising meeting still 2 weeks away everything seems to be falling into place.

For promotion opportunities contact Rob Good

NCCP Level 3 Technical Cycling Course at PacificSport

Friday February 18th, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday February 19th, 9:00am ˆ 5:00pm
Sunday February 20th, 10:00am ˆ 5:00pm

Course: Level III Technical

Course conductors:
National Team and Master Coach: Houshang Amiri,
Psychologist: Dr. Saul Miller
Physiologist: Dr. Gordon Sleivert
Nutritionist: to be announced

Course Fee: $250.00 due at the time of registration
Minimum registration: 10 Coaches (course will be cancelled if there are less than 10 participants by Jan 28 2005)
Registry Deadline: Feb, 4th 2005
Cancellation Fee: before Jan 28, 2005 $100.00- after Jan 28 no refunds

Location: PacificSport Canadian Sport Center (Commonwealth pool) Suit 100-4636 Elk lake Dr. Victoria, BC, V8Z 5M1
Requirements: full certification of level 2 NCCP Cycling in road, MTB or track

PacificSport National Cycling Center,
Contact person: Carrie Moffatt (250)744 5531

Contact PacificSport for more details

Accommodation discounts are available for out of town coaches.


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