Canadian Cyclist


January 14/05 10:58 am - Sale at The Cove Bike Shop Raises $10,000 Tsunami Relief Fund

Posted by Editoress on 01/14/05

Gear Sale at The Cove Bike Shop Raises $10 000 for South East Asia Tsunami Relief Fund
Courtesy The Cove Bike Shop

This news release was originally posted at


The Cove Bike Shop was host to a Tsunami Relief Used Gear Sale, organized by Lisa Lange & Wade Simmons this past weekend that raised $8,500. The urgency of the sale was to get funds in before Jan 11th, in order to meet the Government's deadline to match funds.

People were lined up outside the door before the sale started at 10am to get the good bargains. No one knew what to expect for prices but came for the cause. North Shore Pro Riders, Local Industry Companies like Roach Clothing, Race Face, The Cove Bike Shop, WTB & readers of website all donated new & used gear for the sale. With over 10 volunteers pricing, selling coffee & muffins and encouraging buyers to kick in an extra dollar or two for the cause if they could, the total for the ended with $8500. Items ranged from brand new top of the line forks to a 1980's disc man. Like they say "one person's junk is another person's treasure" and it was very evident at this sale!

The Cove Bike Shop was very generous by donating the space, ringing sales in through their terminals & helping with their "technical" expertise. At the end of the day after a very successful event the Cove Bikes announced they were going to donate $1500, bringing the grand total to $10 000. Which will then be matched by the government, making it over $20,000 donated to the South East Asia Tsunami Relief Fund.

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(Comments from Happy Customers!)

"Everybody walked out of there with a smile on their face and likely a warm feeling in their heart for doing something good."

"I got a pair of roach shorts and a hoody...sure hope they've been worn by someone famous, I need all the help I can get"


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