Canadian Cyclist


January 16/05 10:31 am - Norco Hires Special Events Coordinator

Posted by Editoress on 01/16/05

Norco Hires Special Events Coordinator For Eastern Canada
Courtesy Norco

Norco Performance Bikes is pleased to announce that Neil MacKinnon (aka-BeastVPS) has been hired to fill the Norco Special Events and Technical Support Role for Eastern Canada. Neil brings with him a diverse riding background (from road to XC to DH/Freeride), as well as, a great deal of experience and knowledge about both the on and off road riding communities in Ontario. In addition, Neil has been actively involved in the past decade with many trail building and cycling advocacy initiatives.

Neil will be based out of Toronto, and will be putting lots of kilometres on Norco's new Special Events Truck and Trailer combination as he travels throughout the summer to a wide variety of events in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces.

Please feel free to contact Neil at with any events in your area that we might be able to attend and/or with any ideas you may have to help us support riding in your area.

Norco is looking forward to an amazing 2005 season with plans to attend and support Norco owners and riders at over 60 planned events. For more information about Norco's Factory team riders or our event schedules check out


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