Canadian Cyclist


January 25/05 7:15 am - UCI Americas Ranking, Rule Change, Scholarship, Officials Course, Rendall Results, Test of Metal Trials

Posted by Editor on 01/25/05

UCI Begins Continental Rankings

The UCI has released its first set of rider rankings under the new continental system (the ProTour and Continental tours replaced the old world rankings for men's road racing as of January 1, 2005). Canada, naturally, falls in the America Continental Tour. Thus far, the only races on this calendar has been the Vuelta al Tachira (Venezuela), Copa America de Ciclismo (Brazil) and the Volta de Ciclismo Internacional do Estado de Sao Paulo (Brazil). No Canadians took part (and only one American), so there are no Canadians in the rankings.

The rankings after these events are:

1 Nilceu Dos Santos (Bra) 95 points
2 Jose Rujano Guillen (Ven) 88
3 Jorge Giacinti (Arg) 73
4 Jose Chacon (Ven) 68
5 Cristian Leon (Arg) 56

25 Brice Jones (USA) 10

Canada has only one event on the continental calendar (GP Beauce) and the U.S. has ten, so it is starting to look like Canadian riders and teams had better start brushing up on their Spanish if they want to get anywhere in the rankings... Either that, or start putting some events on the continental calendar.

National Championships Rule Amendment
Courtesy CCA

January 24, 2005 - Please be aware of the following National amendment to the first paragraph of rule 1.2.028. This amendment is effective as of Jan 01 2005.

Rule 1.2.028:

N) Only riders with Canadian citizenship may compete for a national title at the Canadian Championships

2005 Carol Anne Letheren Leadership and Sport Scholarship

The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) is now accepting applications for the 2005 Carol Anne Letheren Leadership and Sport Scholarship.

The scholarship is a national, three-year, $1,500 per year, university scholarship awarded to one outstanding female high school graduate. The award is named in honour of the late Carol Anne Letheren (1942-2001), former Chief Executive Officer of the COC.

The eligible candidate for the Carol Anne Letheren Leadership and Sport Scholarship must be a female student presently enrolled at a Canadian high school or CEGEP (private or public) in their graduating year and applying to a Canadian University or college in Business, Sport Management, Marketing or physical education related fields. Further qualifications include: demonstrated qualities and personal values that personify the Olympic values of excellence, leadership, respect, human development, fun, fairness and peace; outstanding academic performance, minimum grade average of 85% or above in their final year of high school; accomplished performance as an athlete in high school, community or provincial level competitive sport(s); and be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

The COC administers the scholarship with the support of the Carol Anne Letheren Foundation (CALF). CALF is the founding body of the Carol Anne Letheren Leadership and Sport Scholarship. The foundation is composed of close friends and colleagues of Carol Anne who are committed to raising funds for this scholarship to ensure that more young women are able to follow in her footsteps in leadership roles in business and the sport community.

As CEO of the COC and International Olympic Committee member for Canada, Carol Anne was an avid believer and promoter of the Olympic values. Her passion for sport and experience spanned more than four decades and included the following high-profile roles: CEO of the COC, IOC member for Canada, President of the COC, Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid Director, international gymnastics official and Chef de Mission for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games to name a few. In many of these roles, Carol Anne was either the first woman to hold the position or the first Canadian woman to hold the position, distinguishing her as one of Canada's most prominent women involved with amateur sport.

To learn more on how to apply, please find complete information regarding the application process at Applications must be received at the COC Toronto office by mail by 5:00 p.m. EST, March 30, 2005. Selections will be made shortly thereafter and the successful candidate(s) will be notified by April 28, 2005.

Provincial Road Commissaire Course
Courtesy Cycling BC

Looking to get into the sport of road racing on a completely different level? Do you want to save your club a few hard earned dollars when hosting events? Learn more about the sport and make some spending money at the same time, officiating at road events across the province. Take part in this two-day Commissaire course, register online through karelo today!

When: February 5 & 6
9:00am - 4:00pm
Instructor: Mike Shea
Where: Sport BC
1367 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
Cost: $50.00

Ride With Rendall/Peak Winter Series
Courtesy Glen Rendall

The results from Stage 7 of the RWR/ Peak Winter series are now posted on the Ride with Rendall website -

Stage 7 was held this past Sunday and marked the second running of the time trial course which is repeated once a month throughout the series in order to help riders gauge the effectiveness of their training. In the men's category, the previous record of 37:07.9 held by Aaron Fillion of the Ottawa Bicycle club still stands despite the efforts of Stage 7 winner William Goodfellow, who posted a time of 37.10.4. Fraser Atkins of Fresh Air Experience followed closely with a time of 37:36.

In the woman's field, Natasha Elliot from Cycle Logik rode to a new woman's record of 38:02.6. Cynthia Clarke and Jen Stevenson finished 2nd and 3rd respectively with times in the top 8 overall.

The next race of the series will take place Sunday January 30 at the Peak Centre for Human Performance. To book your start time and to experience what Multirider racing is all about call Peak at 613-737-PEAK. The series will run until the middle of March so come on out for fun and fitness before the season is upon us.

Test of Metal Trials Contest
Courtesy Organizer

Squamish, B.C. - The Test of Metal presented by North Shore Credit Union is going back to its roots by holding its popular bike trials contest at the finish area of the cross-country race. The Test of Metal Trials Contest, widely regarded as the premiere trials event in North America, returns to its original location for 2005 at the Squamish Loggers Sports Grounds on Saturday, June 18, once again, a part of the excitement of Canada's premiere point-to-point mountain bike race. The event continues as part of the North American Trials Series (NATS) attracting riders from all over the continent.

Moving to the Loggers Sports Grounds also means the return of the infamous log rolling pond, popular with the spectators, but not with the riders. In order to accommodate the race schedule, beginner/sport trials will start at 9 a.m. and pro/expert will start at noon.


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