Canadian Cyclist


January 27/05 2:42 am - BC News: Women's Learn to Road Race Clinic, Barb Zimich Elected Women's Road, Track & Cyclocross Representative

Posted by Editoress on 01/27/05

BC News
Courtesy Cycling BC

Women's Learn to Road Race Clinic April 23-26, 2005

This comprehensive 2-day, 1-evening Clinic is aimed directly at the entry level, novice female rider looking to break into the world of bicycle road racing. Participants will have the opportunity to review important sporting regulations, look at specialized equipment, discuss various training and nutrition principles, and examine proper bike fit.

Up-and-coming bicycle racers can look forward to plenty of 'saddle‚ time, overseen by former National team rider and Canada Games coach, Judy Latoski. Among many skills which will be examined, participants will be versed on the fine art of pack riding, and will also undergo hill climbing, sprinting and cornering analysis. Participants should come prepared with their bicycle, riding gear (Including helmet!) and appropriate gear.

Course Dates:

Saturday April 23rd 9:30am ˆ 4:00pm On-bike
Sunday, April 24th 9:30 am ˆ 4:00pm On-bike
Tuesday, April 26th 7:00pm ˆ 9:00pm Classroom Session

Cost: $100
Instructor: Judy Latoski
Location: Vancouver
Sign up before April 15, 2005

Register at or contact the Cycling BC Office at (604) 737-3034.

Women's Road, Track & Cyclocross Representative

Calling all female road, track and cyclocross riders - a quick note to remind you that Barb Zimich has been elected to represent your concerns in the sport. If you have any questions, comments or issues that you would like to have addressed, please let Barb know at Please make any concerns specific, and remember that there is also a Category 4 organization that is working with Cycling BC - more information about the novice Women's Series is available at


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