Canadian Cyclist


January 30/05 5:47 am - Cam Evans Injured

Posted by Editor on 01/30/05

Cam Evans Injured
Courtesy Team Symmetrics

Cameron Evans injured in car accident while training in Australia

Avalon Beach, Australia - After arriving in the Sydney suburb of Avalon Beach for 6-8 weeks of warm weather preparatory training, Symmetrics Team rider and current National Espoir Champion, Cameron Evans crashed while avoiding a car at an intersection.

Evans arrived in Australia on January 16, after attending the first part of Symmetrics Cycling's Langley, BC, full team training camp. Cameron was staying with relatives in a Sydney suburb and was returning home from training on January 24th when a car turned left in front of him as he was going downhill. Cameron swerved to avoid the car and crashed hitting the curb with his knee at high speed. The result of Evan's accident is a fractured patella in two places. Glen Evans, Cameron's father, has told team director Jeremy Storie that there are no head or spinal injuries at all, but the patella was split in the middle and there was also a small fracture on the side. Cameron had surgery immediately following the accident and the patella was wired together and the tendons were reattached. Dr. John Dickison, regarded as one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Australia, was very happy with the surgery and felt Cameron would be back racing in close to top form in 4-6 months. Currently, Cam is in two half casts to keep his leg immobilized, but allow for swelling. Upon his return to Canada he will be in a full cast for another 4-5 weeks before some of the wires are taken out and rehab will begin.

Cameron will remain at his relatives house in Avalon Beach for another week and will then fly home with his father on or around February 6th. The entire Symmetrics Team wishes Cam a speedy recovery. Anyone wishing to send a message to Cam can do so at:


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