Canadian Cyclist


February 4/05 11:21 am - Ontario News: NCCP level 1 Road Coaching Course, OCA AGM, Information on 2005 Licence Changes,

Posted by Editoress on 02/4/05

NCCP level 1 Road Cycling Coaching Course in Ottawa
Courtesy Don Moxley, Coach/Team Manager, BikeRace Ottawa

The Ontario Cycling Association is very excited to announce that there will be an NCCP Level 1 Road Technical Course taking place in Ottawa, Ontario on April 9-10, 2005 at Ottawa City Hall. For more information and to download a registration form click on the

Courtesy Ontario Cycling Association

OCA Annual General Meeting Reminder

AGM notices and license renewals will be put in the mail next week. The AGM will be held on Saturday March 5th at the Toronto Bike Show. Don't miss the opportunity to utilize your membership voting privilege.

Road Option License

Sometimes riders are licensed in an age category which is not their own. This is called an Option License.When you apply for an option license, the UCI/CCA category you indicate on your license application is the one in which you will race at provincial championships, national championships and anywhere outside the province.Also include the category you wish to race at all other events.

Important: There is no category choice for a rider on race day, with or without this option. The event level determines your category for that event. There is no option for riders with UCI/CCA Elite/Senior licenses to race in the Masters category in OCA permitted events, even if they are age 30 or over.

The OCA has three types of road option licenses:

1) Senior Option for Masters

a. Master riders desiring a Senior 1/2 option must submit their request in writing to the OCA at the time of license application submission.If you choose a senior option, then you must race in the Senior category provincially in all events except Provincial Championship events.At Provincial Championships and National level events you must race your proper Master age category. Senior 3 options are not permitted.Senior options must be approved by the OCA Development Committee.

2) Senior Option for Juniors

a. The Top 5 riders in the O-Cup standings after the Provincial RR (June 26th) automatically get permission from the OCA to race Senior 1/2 events for the remainder of the season in Ontario. A letter will be issued and must be presented at registration.Junior riders with a permission letter can race the Junior race, the Senior race, or both (max total distance 140km) for the remainder of the season.

3) Master Option for Masters – NEW for 2005!!

a.Master riders now have the option to race in a lower age Master category than their own.For example, a Master D rider can now purchase a Master A, B or C license. If you choose a master option, then you must race in the lower age master category provincially in all events except Provincial Championship events. At Provincial Championships and National level events you must race your proper Master age category. Master options do not require approval from the OCA Development Committee.

Road Criterium Racing for Competing in a Second Event on the Same Day (Applies to Master Only)

NEW for 2005!! – Master riders now have the choice to race in a Second Event at criterium races. In order to race in a Second Event you must pay the entry fee for your regular category as well as the second event.The Second Event can be any Master category above your own (e.g. Master A if your are B, C or D), Senior 3, or even Senior 1/2 (if you have the required paperwork).For example, a Master B licensed rider wishing to race both the Master B and a Second Event at a criterium must pay the entry fee for the B race, and has the choice of racing Master A or their qualified Senior race (either Senior 3, or Senior 1/2 with a permission letter). Master A riders can ride Master A as well as a Second Event as a Senior 1/2 or 3 depending on their level of qualification.

All riders desiring to race Senior 1/2 as their Second Event must have a letter from the OCA.You must request this Senior1/2 with your license application and a decision will be made by the Development Committee.Remember to bring your permission letter! You will not be permitted to race with the Senior 1/2 without your OCA Senior 1/2 permission letter. If you have a permission letter you must race Senior 1/2 if you race a Senior category for your Second Event.At the Provincial Criterium Championships riders can only ride 1 event.

Road Fines

In 2004, we implemented fines for basic road racing infractions. For 2005, at O-Cup and high level permitted events, riders should expect all applicable rules to be strictly enforced.

NEW for 2005!! – Riders who do not pay their fines in a timely manner will receive stricter penalties.A rider has one month from the date of the infraction to pay the fine.If the fine is not paid, we will suspend your license until the fine is paid.Riders / teams who have outstanding fines will not be permitted to participate in the Provincial Championships (of any discipline) until their fine has been paid.

Road Clubs, Teams & Jerseys

The club (or team) listed on your license is the club whose jersey you must wear in all OCA permitted events. If you are not a member of an OCA affiliated club (or team), then you must wear a plain coloured jersey that does not display any team/club names or sponsors. If you wish to switch clubs (or teams) in mid-season, simply send your current license noting the club change to the OCA office with a $10.00 replacement fee and a new license will be issued for you.


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