Canadian Cyclist


March 2/05 11:22 am - Sprockids Leaders Training Offered

Posted by Editoress on 03/2/05

Promotional Sprockids Leaders Training Offered
Courtesy Lesley Tomlinson

A special complimentary offering of the CCA Sprockids Leadership Training will take place in conjunction with the BC High School Championships Retreat in Squamish BC on March 18 to 20. Thanks to the generosity of CCA Sprockids sponsor BTAC (Bicycle Trade Association of Canada), this session is being offered free of charge.

Sprockids program founder Doug Detwiller will teach the leadership course, which is open to all interested potential leaders and parents affiliated with community centers, schools and bicycle retailers in the provinc. It is preferable, but not mandatory that potential participants have basic first aid or introduction to Coaching Level 1. Background checks will be required.

The course will be held at Howe Sound Secondary School, 38430 Buckley Ave, Squamish, BC , on Saturday, March 19 from 9am to 4pm.

The High School Training camp is in its eighth year in 2005 and is offered as a development opportunity to the 50 top finishers from all age groups in the BC High School Championships. (Additional applicants can request inclusion through their high school).

The Sprockids Program is a multi-tiered approach designed to provide participants the opportunity to experience success on a variety of levels. Through the sport of mountain biking students develop a strong sense of self-esteem, while discovering the potential within themselves. The material contained in the instructional manual, along with the other resource material, provides the teacher, coach, instructor, or parent with an extensive array of material that will assist them in establishing their own successful program.

Leadership participants will be welcome to join in evening activities with the High School Camp participants. The weekend is hosted by Sprockids Program Development Society Directors, Lesley Tomlinson and Alison Sydor. National Team riders and Olympians will assist as coaches throughout the weekend. The camp is supported by the North Shore Mountain Bike League, Pacific Sport, Squamish Off Road Association (SORCA) and Cycling BC. Sponsorship of this venture has been provided by BTAC and the CCA.

For Information or to Register please contact Gary Jackson at Cycling BC ( or (604) 737 3142) or Tracey Sheppard at Pacific Sport ( (250) 744-5531).

There will be a capacity limitation on space so please book your course soon. For more information on the CCA SPROCKIDS program, please check out


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