Canadian Cyclist


March 2/05 1:40 am - BMX News: CCC Accepting Nominations for BMX Representatives, Burlington Dirt Jumps News, MTB 4x and BMX Races at Toronto International Bicycle Show

Posted by Editoress on 03/2/05

Nominations for BMX Representatives
Courtesy CCA

The election of BMX representatives to the Officials Committee, Events Committee and Athlete & Coach Development Committee are now open and will close on March 15, 2004 at 4:00pm EST. Nominations can be made by any member of the CCA, and need to be seconded by another member. Nominees for the Officials Committee need to be UCI International Commissaires, as per the Policy on Organization Structure. The nomination should be accompanied by a resumé of the candidate and forwarded to my attention at

Voting ballots will then be sent to each provincial association on March 16th. Each association will have three votes and will be required to return their ballots to me, at the aforementioned email address, no later than 4:00pm on March 23, 2005. Once the voting period ends, the results will be issued and the ballots destroyed.

L'élection de représentants BMX au Comité d’Officiels, le Comité de Développement des Athlètes et Entraîneurs, et le Comité des Événements est maintenant ouverte et se cloîtrera le 15 mars 2004 à 4:00pm l'heure normale de l'Est. Les nominations peuvent être faites par n'importe quel membre de l’ACC mais doivent être secondé par un autre membre. Les candidats au Comité d’Officiels doivent être des commissaires internationaux de l’UCI. La nomination devrait être accompagnée par un cv du candidat et envoyée à mon attention à

Le scrutin des bulletins de vote sera alors envoyé à chaque association le 16 mars. Chaque association aura trois votes et sera tenue de me rendre leurs bulletins de vote, à l'adresse courrier électronique susmentionné, avant 16h00 le 23 mars 2005. Une fois que la période de vote se términe, les résultats seront distribués et les bulletins de vote détruits.

Burlington Dirt Jumps News

BDJ is still alive and well - we have been approved by council and will be up and running with a few changes...namely now we are affiliated with the Ontario Cycling Association......more details to follow in the next few weeks.


MTB 4x and BMX Races at Toronto International Bicycle Show
Wit000 pro purse set up for this year's Toronto International Bicycle Show races, registration is open and filling up fast. Mountain Bike 4xers and BMXers from throughout the country and the region will be heading to the Toronto International Bicycle show on March 4, 5 and 6th.

Organized by local pro BMX and MTB legend, Brent "Smitty" Smith, the pro classes will feature payouts to 8th place while the amateur classes will receive medals and merchandise. A Friday night dash for cash will have pro BMXers pitted against pro MTBers and Saturday night's Hogtown Dash will have the top two riders from all classes racing for cash.

With over 30,000 spectators throughout the course of the weekend, the event promises to attract some of the top pros. A map of the track Brent Smith will build can be found at:

The Toronto International Bicycle show takes place at National Trade Centre, Hall A, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Visit, email; or phone 289-259-9348 for schedule, entry forms and more information.

You can also go here for more deails about the show


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