Canadian Cyclist


March 3/05 8:17 am - "Coaching Essentials" Seminars to be Offered by the Coaches Association of Ontario

Posted by Editoress on 03/3/05

Coaching Essentials Teaches Local Coaches the Ropes

A caring sport coach can make all the difference in a child's young life. Coaches who know how to create a positive experience can improve self-confidence levels in youth and lead to a healthier adulthood. Beginning March 30, the Coaches Association of Ontario will be traveling to smaller communities in northern Ontario bringing new coaches back to the basics to become better coaches.

As a result of Federal and Provincial funding support, these seminars are free and open to all entry-level coaches, parents and community or school leaders. This bi-lateral funding is linked to the Canadian Sport Policy intended to increase sport participation of children, aboriginal populations and under represented groups.

Participants will learn practical tools and resources on how to better communicate with today's 'must win' generation. Each session will be lead by Barrie Shepley, a national-level triathlon coach who led his team to Canada's first gold medal in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

The first session will take place in Caledon on March 30 in room 203 of Robert F. Hall High School. The session will run from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and the school is located at 6500 Old Church Road. On April 1, a session will take place at Harrow High School in Harrow, Ontario (45 Wellington St.) from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Other session locations will be announced shortly.

The content of these seminars will include: the importance of 'playing', pediatric philosophy and growth issues, skill progression, the science behind the warm-up and understanding the role of parents in sport development. The primary goal of these seminars is to increase youth participation by fostering more qualified coaches.

Each participant will take with them a comprehensive Coaching Essentials toolkit including a copy of Best Coaches Best Practices: Your Path to Personal Excellence by Andy Higgins and a one-year membership to the Coaches Association of Ontario.

The Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) acknowledges the support of the Federal Government and the Government of Ontario in this project. The CAO is a non-profit coach-led organization that strengthens development opportunities and provides educational resources for coaches. The CAO promotes coaching ethics and ensures the wider community recognizes the vital role of the coach in the development of sport at all levels.

For more information please contact:
Tanya Witty
Manager, Programs & Communications
Coaches Association of Ontario
Suite 606, 1185 Eglinton Ave East
Toronto, ON M3C 3C6
Tel: (416) 426-7427

Distributed for Coaches Association of Ontario
by the sportalliance NEWS SERVICE
1185 Eglinton Ave. E.

The Sport Alliance of Ontario [sportalliance] is a not-for-profit sport organization that delivers sport development programs and services throughout Ontario in partnership with provincial and community organizations.

Our programs include: The Ontario Games Program, the Community Sport Network, KidSport(tm) Ontario, Red Cross Sport First Aid, National Coaching Certification Program, the Esteem Team [Ontario], the James Worrall Awards and the Ontario Sport Development Fund.


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