Canadian Cyclist


March 4/05 8:50 am - Axel Continues on Merckx Bikes for 2005

Posted by Editoress on 03/4/05

Axel Continues on Merckx
Courtesy Gita Sporting Goods, Ltd

Gita sporting Goods released the following information from Cycles Eddy Merckx today.

Professional cyclist Axel Merckx is riding in a unique situation this year. The veteran pro is the only member of the UCI Pro Tour riding an Eddy Merckx bicycle. The DAVITAMON-LOTTO team, out of respect for the elder Merckx, has graciously given Axel permission to ride the bikes of his famous father.

Axel began the season on the new Eddy Merckx Premium. Throughout the year he will have the luxury of selecting between several Merckx bikes. In addition to the Premium he will ride the MXM Carbon and the new limited edition AXM 25th Anniversary Carbon developed to commemorate Eddy's 25 years as a bicycle manufacturer.

While not present with a full team in the Pro Tour, Eddy Merckx will still have team representation in the 2005 pro peloton. The CHOCOLADE JACQUES - T INTERIM team will also ride the new Premium bicycles. The Premium features a proprietary version of Easton's new scandium Flare tubing specially drawn to Eddy's specifications.

In the US, the COLAVITA - COOKING LIGHT women's team will also ride Eddy Merckx Premium bikes in 2005 and the VITAMIN COTTAGE elite team will compete on the new Eddy Merckx Racing bicycles.


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