Canadian Cyclist


March 23/05 12:58 pm - North Shore Credit Union World Mountain Bike Conference News

Posted by Editoress on 03/23/05

North Shore Credit Union World Mountain Bike Conference May 31 - June 3, 2005, North Vancouver, BC
Courtest NSMBFC

Welsh "trail-guru" to appear at 2005 North Shore Credit Union World Mountain Bike Conference

Dafydd Davis is a true mountain biking pioneer who has played a huge and vital role in the birth and recent expansion of purpose-built mountain bike trails.

Davis is responsible for planning, designing and developing over 200 kilometers of technical trails, and it is fair to say that without him Wales would not have the abundance of forest trails it has today. In fact, for his efforts, Davis has been awarded an MBE by Her Royal Majesty, the Queen of England!

Do not miss the opportunity to join Davis as he shares his experiences, or to participate with him in workshops, during the 2005 North Shore Credit Union World Mountain Bike Conference.

Davis joins several North American experts at this year's conference - including Joey Klein, Troy Rarick, Woody Keen, Lora Woolner and Mark Schmidt - for discussions on important topics like mountain bike tourism and economic development, occupier's liability and mitigating risk, bike park design and construction.

Conference delegates will also have the opportunity to participate in guided tours of not only the world famous North Shore trails but also the Whistler Bike Park , where you can ride if you'd like!

Early Bird Prices are in effect until March 31, 2005

There are just over 2 weeks left for Early Bird Prices - in effect until March 31, 2005. Register NOW to save, and enter to win cool prizes like free registration!

The first 50 registered receive the 2004 Conference CD-ROM ($49 value)

First 100 people to register enter the draw to Win!
2 - Whistler Bike Packages (incl. Hotel)
2 - FREE Conference Registration

Are you with a group?
We have a 3-for-2 offer available to people from the same organization.

Visit for more details


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