Canadian Cyclist


March 27/05 3:25 am - Forest City Velodrome Construction Update w. photos

Posted by Editoress on 03/27/05

Forest City Velodrome Construction Update

With the Track Worlds in the news, I thought it would be a good idea to update everyone on the construction so far on the indoor Velodrome in London.

The construction is progressing as we had hoped. I have included 3 pictures of the sub-structure in corner #2. You will notice how smooth the transition is from the banking to the straight. This will allow for easy over-taking during racing action. On Saturday afternoon the Cote d'zure was being laid on the bottom of the track, the transition from the apron to the racing surface will be super smooth with no separation from one to another (seamless).

We are waiting for the plywood to arrive, this should happen in the next few days. It will take approximately 5 days to install the plywood & paint the lines. We are still confident that our first night of racing will be in April. I will confirm the date as we get closer to completion of the construction.

A special thank you to Ron & Bob Schelstraete and the crew of dedicated craftsmen who are putting together one of the finest Velodromes in the world. Of course without the guidance of their father Albert we would not have been able to be within 2 weeks of opening.

Lastly, we are in need of donations. If you can spare any amount of money we would greatly appreciate any donation. A tax receipt will be given to any donation over $20.00. If you want to buy a piece of the track for $500.00 we still can sell 22 shares.

Yours in Sport

Rob Good


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