Canadian Cyclist


March 29/05 6:08 am - Uxbridge Icebreaker Preview

Posted by Editoress on 03/29/05

Uxbridge Icebreaker Preview

BIKENXS' 14th annual Uxbridge Icebreaker, the traditional season opener for the mountain bike season in Ontario, will be held this Sunday (April 3rd) at Durham Forest near Uxbridge. Sometimes snowy but definitely fun for both the beginner and seasoned veteran.

This year the Iceman is working on a few new twists to the already challenging first outing of the season. Over the years this course has combined gravel roads, double track trails and usually a few "surprise" pieces of singletrack depending on the spring thaw. With classic sections known as the "Bobsled Run" and "Iceslider Alley" as well as the rare "Arctic Death March" this course usually provides a little snow, mud and some icy sections.
The 25km is an excellent challenge for most cyclists, while the 50km (2 loops) is a true test of early season fitness. Come out and hammer down and break the ice on a new season!

The OCA will be at registration selling Citizen Permits (although it is highly recommended to purchase your citizen permit in advance of the event).

For more information on the Uxbridge Icebreaker please visit


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